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So what's Taylor Swift doing in the rain?

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Isn't it dangerous to mix water and electricity? LOL




And she looked so surprised when it was all over.


Sigh. This is what you're left to ponder when Sunday night TV is *boring*!


(watching CMA awards, in case anyone is wondering...)






Getting wet.


I haven't a clue who Taylor Swift is. Sorry. :confused:

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Believe me, Doran... it's not worth thinking about! LOL She's a singer and she just performed her song on stage with water pouring down on her. And it's not a song about rain, either.


The upside is that Garth Brooks messed up big time, both in his song, and when he gave his acceptance speech, which I enjoyed witnessing :).

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LOL, I have no clue. It was "interesting" for sure. I hope she had shorts on under her dress because she was standing spread eagle for the entire song.


Garth Brooks... what was going on with him tonight?

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LOL, I have no clue. It was "interesting" for sure. I hope she had shorts on under her dress because she was standing spread eagle for the entire song.


Garth Brooks... what was going on with him tonight?


No cable here, so I'm relegated to Youtube. Um. Okay Garth, you need a makeover. I saw you in concert many times in the early 90's. A good decade has gone by and you're still wearing painted on jeans and those striped shirts...what's up with that? See: Tim McGraw or Kenny Chesney...:tongue_smilie:


A flattering cut shirt would do wonders for ya....


Rant over....



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Anyway, Taylor Swift (just learned her name from the posts here) is clearly lip synching and really hard for me to look at with that constant hair tugging and screachy voice. Goodness, what would Simon say?


As for Garth...well I thought the same thing about the striped shirt but then realized that it's just his look. Or maybe he still thinks it's the 90's as he's still resting on his laurels. I guess I didn't watch it long enough to see him mess up...what did he do?


BTW, Trisha Yearwood is gorgeous.

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Taylor Swift (just learned her name from the posts here) is clearly lip synching


Was she really? I didn't have my glasses on last night, so I didn't pick up on that little detail. If she was lip synching, then I now why... she can not sing in tune. We watched her live once, and she was so flat it was awful. I can't imagine what they have to do in the studio to correct that on her recordings. The only reason she's making it is because she writes original songs.


You sure could tell who the real talents were last night... the acoustics were bad... only the really great voices sounded good last night. Brooks and Dunn, etc. Sugarland (she's the bomb).


Re: Garth - I think he's stuck in a time warp, and promotes his hey days instead of new success. Sort of like the Beach Boys ;). I'm pretty sick of his overpublicizing his public life, to be honest. The way he would drag his wife up onto the stage to accept awards with him like no one loves their wife as much as he does, and then he leaves her for Trisha... and then he starts doing that with Trisha (proposing marriage on stage during a performance? I'd have slapped him!)... ugh!! As far as what he did... well, he missed his cue at the beginning of his song and came in with the chorus during the wrong meausre, and when he gave his acceptance speech, he thanked Reba (who presented the award) and called her "Miss Yearwood." LOL

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