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Anyone do agility? or thought about it?

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So just for fun, we've been working agility like stuff with the dogs. Ozzy (lhasa mix) is a natural! He can FLY! We really have done too much too soon and advanced stuff also, but he's really taking to it. He'll do anything for a treat (we cut them up SUPER tiny to work with him). Molly (lab mix) is doing better than we imagined. She is so scared of her own shadow. I think bad things towards the people that hurt her! But we did get her to jump while in the house. And she even will follow the treat through the weave poles. We give her treats for touching the outside jump, the inclined ramp, etc. We figure we'll start small. Here is a picture of some of what we made outside this weekend to start (the big tire isn't really being used for anything).




If anyone has any ideas, we're all ears :)

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Well, my oldest dd and our Aussie were all set to begin Agility classes in April, then the dog injured his knee. We tried rest, but he ended up with a complete rupture of the CCL (canine equivalent of the ACL). He had the new corrective surgery and gets his stitches out today. So instead of jumping and running in the backyard, he gets his first 5 min leash walk in two weeks. :( The vet is optimistic that he'll regain full use of his leg and could get cleared for agility, but that's 6 months down the road. Since he has a 50% chance of rupturing the other side, I don't know if dh is up for that risk! :) Maybe obedience is looking like a better idea!!


Enjoy your agility dog...we're envious!

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We just got a Sheltie puppy a week ago. She is darling, but only 9 weeks and she can't even get in and out of the cat door yet! But we are hoping to someday do agility with her. The classes around here don't start until the dog is a year old. I understand you can really injure them if you start too young.


I think you're backyard looks way cool!

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Yeah, the rules to DO it for real are 18months. My dogs are 5 and 3 YEARS.


But I do think they have puppy competitions where the jumps are super low and such, that it's more about just having fun. I think I even saw one when I was a kid.


Actually, when we went to go take pictures at the house of a breeder I'm making a webpage for, my son fell in LOVE with a tiny little tri-color sheltie (the only one who could crawl out of the dog house yet so I'm guessing like 3 weeks?). He really wants it. I'm considering it. I was going to get one of the guy's lhasas but....we'll see.....

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Where are you in Texas? My 11 yo dd and our Boston terrier take agility classes in the Cedar Park area, outside of Austin. She also goes to a two week camp at the same dog training location and learns how to work with our dog in agility, obedience, dock diving, etc. I don't know too much about it, but my daughter does. We bought her a relatively cheap agility course set for Christmas. She sets it up in the back yard and continues to work with our dog. Agility courses have done wonders for our dog's disposition - he was very active and mischievous before and now he's very well behaved. I think agility classes gave our dog purpose and understanding.

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Hi Pamela,


I just love Shelties right now. Of course this is the first time I've ever owned one! I always thought I was a big dog kind of person but I didn't like the big dog responsibilities. My dh and I both thought agility would be a fun thing to get into. So we looked around for a breed that met our criteria and settle on a Sheltie. I just took our little one out for a run around the backyard. She is so adorable! Now she's zonked out for a nap. . . wish I could do that!

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