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Have you ever felt like you have lost your heart for homeschooling?

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And what did you do about it?


I have really struggled for at least 12 months. I'm not overly motivated, the kids are fairly resistant and I'm just not loving it anymore.


M would do great in school, she is the kind of kid who would thrive. She would get a substandard education compared to what she would get at home, but it's the same every other kid gets and most seem to do OK with it. She is prone to meltdowns and takes pets that make friend making and keeping hard, but school might make her look at that behaviour perhaps??


C would struggle. He has CAPD and memory and sequencing issues. But he is so resistant to working for me, and so hard to motivate that I just don't know if I can go on.


If you have been in this situation and got through it and kept homeschooling, how??? I really want this to work, but I wonder if I need to put them in school for a bit.

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I put mine in a public charter school. I was burned out. I was sure that the school could do a better job. After one semester I was very happy to bring them home and they wanted to come home. It wasn't that school was bad, although there definitely were some things about it that we didn't like, it was that being at home was just so much better. But we wouldn't have known that if we hadn't tried school. And the break was good for me.


Susan in TX

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We are seriously considering putting our two oldest dc in school this next year. My 15yo would thrive and my 14yo needs some outside "authority", we feel. My heart is struggling with this because I don't want to admit that it might be best for them (and me) yet the reality is that I know it would be good for everyone, at least for a year. I fear if we do not do this I will lose my heart for schooling - at least for one of my dc. It's a tough decision.

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Sandra, when I read this thread I thought of you. Hope it helps.


Thanks for that link :) Actually, we are half way through the school year here and I took a full 8 weeks over summer. I do think that I could take more time for me though, perhaps that's what I need to work on. Something needs to change, so that might as well be my interests.

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I am not much help- it was a struggle with my resistant ds for years. Eventually, I realised I didn't have it in me to keep doing it with him, and I put him in school. I was burned out. I have taken the first half of this year to recover.

I think it can be very hard to admit if it is time for them to go to school for whatever reason- I certainly felt like a failure when I first considered it. Dh was even worse- he just wouldn't consider it. Homeschooling is such a strong sub culture and we tend to feel strongly about it to do it at all. But once I looked at the bright side and really considered it, I decided that it was the right thing- and I felt relieved once I made the decision. I haven't regretted it.

But...only you know. If taking more time for yourself works...that's great. I lived and breathed homeschooling so much of the time. It was quite a hole when I stopped. But now I enjoy when the kids come home.

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