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Would this bother you?

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I'm vegetarian, and so are my boys. When we are invited to eat somewhere we inform the host. But no in a , you have to accommodate us kind of way. More like these are our restrictions, how can we make this work, would you like us to bring something? Would something you are planning to make work for us?

We're also vegetarian and this is what we do, too. If the host is having a BBQ, I'll volunteer to bring some veggie burgers. Since I've already told the host I'll bring our own food I think that's, but to just show up with your own food if very rude. Of course, if the host wants to cook us a vegetarian meal that's even better. :)

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They were rude, but I don't see why the food has to be wasted. Do you have a freezer? You can freeze most of the stuff (if not all) and eat it all week. Now you don't have to cook.:) Btw, I would not be inviting those particular folks back - not so much as retaliation - but because I would not expect them to behave any differently in the future.


My first thought too! Cooking vacation! :) :) :)


I would invite them some other time if it were a one-time thing, but if it was typical of them I'd be very reluctant.

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See this is why I never invite people over for dinner -way more hassle then what it's worth :tongue_smilie:


First couple -yeah I think it was inconsiderate of them. Firstly, if the DH was sick all day they could have called early in the day to let you know there was chance they may not make it depending on how he felt - then you could have made less food because even if he came he probably wouldn't have eaten it. My guess is something else came up that they didn't want to share and they used the illness as an excuse so that the reason was "somewhat true" and they didn't have to outright lie to you.


Second couple - Should have told you she was bringing her own food. C'mon she had to know you would be cooking for her -why didn't she let you know so you didn't have too?



I don't see why everyone is so upset over the menu - I guess you all must be well off to be bickering about the nutrition of one meal (allergies aside). In my circle of friends everyone is struggling to put food on the table so if you are lucky enough to get an invitation at all then you don't complain when you turn up and they serve you peanut butter sandwiches with marshmallows ;) because it's probably all they have and I think it is incredibly rude to not eat what a host serves you unless you truely can't (which should have been discussed when you first got the invitation if you truely have special diet needs).


I lived in Korea for a while and ate some truely disgusting things, many nameless as I had no clue what it was. Some of them even made me sick when I got home - but no way would I have offended the host by not eating it - the poor host would have been terribly shamed to think they served something that was "beneath" their visitor to eat.


OP -I see you have a DH and 3 sons - that food won't be wasted :lol: In my house my DH would have been celebrating that he got to eat all that to himself :D

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Yes! Why didn't the one family come without her dh?


Not that it's less rude of them, but did you tell your friend that went shopping that you were actually going to eat at 5:00? Maybe she (rudely) thought she had a little wiggle room. ( I ask because I've never known anyone to eat quite that early.)


We eat at 5pm for most of the time but most everyone knows this.



I too would be upset with this. Even if you did freeze the food some of it don't always taste the best left over like Mac N Cheese.

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It would have bothered me. The family with the sick dh could have come without the dh. I'm pretty flexible on time, but an hour and 15min would have bugged me too. And she should have told you ahead of time that she's on a diet and wouldn't be eating your food. Can you freeze a pan of the mac and cheese or any of the other food?

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