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Chubby baby's fat rolls - to powder or not to powder?

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My 4mo old dd is... um.... very "healthy"

She has a double chin which completely hides her neck, and DEEP skin folds all over her limbs. The folds get very cheesy, stinky and red very quickly despite getting bathed and cleaned often. Now that its hot it's getting worse.


My sis says to powder all her rolls, but I'm worried the powder will get cake-y and cause more irritation.


What do you think?

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My 4mo old dd is... um.... very "healthy"

She has a double chin which completely hides her neck, and DEEP skin folds all over her limbs. The folds get very cheesy, stinky and red very quickly despite getting bathed and cleaned often. Now that its hot it's getting worse.


My sis says to powder all her rolls, but I'm worried the powder will get cake-y and cause more irritation.


What do you think?


I had this issue with my DD last summer. She was HUGE (22 lbs. at 4 months). She used to get that cheesy, stinky red rash in her neck folds whenever it was hot.


I did end up, on the advice of an RN friend, using powder on her. The big issue is making sure they don't inhale it, if you're using baby powder. I'd always put it on my fingers, first, then just rub it in her little neck fold. It seemed to help a lot. She never really needed it anywhere else. She had (and still has) lots of leg and arm rolls, but those never seemed to get irritated the way her neck did.

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Thanks - powder it is.


So, how often do you powder? Do you wipe it off and re-apply every diaper change or just after baths?


I'd usually put it on in the morning, and then check her during diaper changes. If the area was wet/sticky again, I'd wipe the area with a wet washcloth, dry it, then apply more powder. If it was dry, I'd leave it and wait for the next diaper change.

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:lol: I have a sweet chubby 4 month old too and got such a giggle from the question. I had not considered powdering. I usually clean the creases around her legs and neck (where she get spit-up) with a baby wipe and then dry the area thoroughly. Powder sounds like a plan though. Why didn't I think of that? :D

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Baby girl is very chubby too. I clean out her rolls and under her neck every day with a baby wipe (the cloth ones). That seems to be enough for her to keep the redness away. However, if you need more, the powder on a cotton ball is a good idea.

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