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Has anyone here been on a PPI long term?(eg Prilosec)

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My 12 yo daughter is taking Protonix, which is a PPI like Prilosec. I am not to sure if she is going to be on it long term.

I am also on Prilosec. For now only for 6 weeks, but not sure if I will need it long term.

For myself, I am iron deficient, so I am a little nervous about that. And I heard it can interfere with B12. Does that mean iron and B12 from foods, or from vitamins or both?


Just wondering if anyone has had any issues with PPI's long term.

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My son has been on some sort of PPI for over 10 years, actually closer to 15. He does take an iron supplement and a calcium supplement as well. I think it's a good idea if you are going to be on them long term.


He has blood work done annually to make sure he isn't deficient in any areas, but these are the two that consistently came up - iron and calcium deficiency. Ask your doctor for recommendations. Our gastrointerologist writes Rxs for ours so we get them at a reduced price by being able to put them through insurance.

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Okay, so since I am on Prilosec, I take iron anyways but I thought it inhibited iron absorbtion, but maybe that is just food then.


I have stopped taking my iron as of last week to give my stomach a rest. I will pick it back up the end of this month.


Okay, thanks so much!

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I think I read to make sure you don't take them together. I'm taking Prilosec right now and I'm on iron and B-12. I know you also have to make sure to take your iron 2 hours apart from milk or calcium.


:iagree: Prilosec should be taken at least 1 hour before a meal and two hours before any other supplements. My son wears a multi-alarm vibrating watch to time his supplements because the iron supplement needs to be taken at a separate time from the calcium supplement.


It sounds like a lot, but with time, it becomes second nature. Good luck! I hope the Prilosec gives you some relief.

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I kept iron several hours away from the prilosec. If you do that I think you'll be fine. Add some vitamin C to increase absorption (and acidity..which is what the PPI reduces to interfere with iron absorption).


The b12 only becomes an issue more long term in my understanding. You could always do the little shots and get around the GI system absorption altogether.

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My daughter was on Pepcid for a while. I would just follow up make sure she is getting plenty of calcium and B12 and also probiotics. I'm not saying all but some people can be proned to c-diff if they've been on PPI's for an extended period of time. I can't say if your daughter will or not. But there are lots of probiotics out on the market. Some would think yogurt but it doesn't have enough bacteria in it to make it beneficial.

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