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Logic for K/1st/2nd

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Hello all,


I need help with logic type workbooks or activites for my son, he is almost 5 and loves any puzzle game or workbook, in the last two months he has run through mindbenders 1 and lollipop logic, he has played through clever castle, rush hour jr, and frog hoppers jr, but the non jr versions are a bit much for him. he is asking for more things like these, but I am having trouble finding more games or workbooks for him. anyone have any ideas? it would be great if I didnt have to read it for him, he can read, but not great. he is about a third through OPGTR, and is just finsihing up SL Readers 1. Thanks!



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My DD enjoys the Prufrock press books as well, but I'd kind of like some materials that are a little different. At this point, she's now done enough of each different kind of activity that she's good at them, can do them quickly, but they're not all that challenging.


She is enjoying Suduko, especially the online version on the Neopets website (where she doesn't have to write the numbers "in those teeny little boxes!").

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My DD likes the "Roodoku" one on Neopets. I find it annoying, because it's completely mouse driven (each square is divided into 9 little ones, and you mouse click the one you want, and it fills in the number). The easier levels show you where all the numbers of a given kind are, which makes it a nice learning tool.

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Clever castle is an easy version of Chocolate Fix which my 5yo loves. Also, I just got a computer mystery game for my 7yo (loves all things spooky). It's called "Inspector Parker" Both my kids love it. It's all logic games with lots of levels to play. It's sort of like Clue where you figure out who and what, but as you progress the house gets bigger with more possibilities of who did what where. You don't need to be reading yet to play. I love playing it as well.

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I just found a nice series (I LOVE homeschool bookstores-wish I lived in a place where there was one!) called "Dr. Funster's Think-a-Minutes". They're a whole bunch of different critical thinking and logic activities, with a LOT of variety. 6 books total, from 2nd/3rd grade to 5th/6th. \They seem more challenging that Prufrock Press at the same grade level (although that may simply be because they're different). My DD is loving them. The publisher is "Critical Thinking Company".

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I just found a nice series (I LOVE homeschool bookstores-wish I lived in a place where there was one!) called "Dr. Funster's Think-a-Minutes". They're a whole bunch of different critical thinking and logic activities, with a LOT of variety. 6 books total, from 2nd/3rd grade to 5th/6th. \They seem more challenging that Prufrock Press at the same grade level (although that may simply be because they're different). My DD is loving them. The publisher is "Critical Thinking Company".

Thank you for posting this!


I have Mind Benders and Logic Safari for my DS and he's blowing through them...he LOVES them, but I was actually hoping for a bit more challenge, not to mention a little more variety. These sound great!! I am off to Google :)

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They look great! I think we'll be ordering these, I love the samples of problems they showed.


Here's a handy link:

Dr. Funster's Think-a-Minutes

Love what they show! We might be trying these out! I think Logic Safari is just going to be TOO easy for DS...I will keep it around since he likes it, but this looks more challenging and has more variety!

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