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Tips for packing and moving? (simplifying)

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We are moving next month to a house just around the corner from us :) It's a good thing because we'll be saving nearly $600 a month in rent from where we're at now!

I am starting to make a list of the things I need to get done before we move but of course I'm already overwhelmed. Should I clean my house one room at a time so I can declutter as I go?

How do you plan your move?

Are there any websites/checklists that anyone knows about?

I want to be organized this time and I want to only move the things we absolutely treasure or are necessities.

The house we're moving into is bigger overall (although we're losing a bedroom) but I don't want to "fill in the space". I want to keep things simple! Anyway, any suggestions are welcome :001_smile:

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I would tackle the "junk drawer" first. Once your able to let go of some of the things piled in there, it's easier (at least for me) to start letting go of other things in the house.


Next, I would do clothes-kids, husband, yours. Donate or toss.


Then bathroom stuff, all the stuff that collects in the drawers and cabinet.


Then kid's toys. Have them help you decide what's important and what can be donated to other children.


After that, the kitchen pantry. Toss anything that's been sitting there forever and has probably gone bad/stale.


Once these are all done, you'll find yourself going around the house naturally and getting rid of things you really don't need.


Good luck with your move!!

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I asked nearly the same question(s) a month or two ago & got some very helpful responses. Here's the thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=257591.


I did an overall decluttering of the whole house first & we had a massive garage sale, however now that I'm in the final stages of packing I'm finding LOTS more to get rid of. So now I'm essentially taking it room by room & making numerous trips to Goodwill. It feels great to get rid of stuff, but it's an exhausting (and overwhelming) process. Start now, do a little each day & you won't be sorry!

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Thank you both so much for the great suggestions! I tend to get overwhelmed, then shut down and can't seem to accomplish much. My ds7 is my wild card too because he tends to dictate how the day will go by his behavior.

I have been mulling over having a garage sale this weekend but honestly, the thought of it sends me into panic mode. Off to read the old thread and glean some more ideas :) :auto:

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Just give it all away!:tongue_smilie:


:D I think you may have something there! I actually just went through the pile (mountain) of clean clothes I had been avoiding and sorted/folded/donated/put them away. My room is pretty clean now! Tomorrow I'm hauling my old couches out to my front lawn and putting a free sign on them!

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If you really truly want to simplify, pretend you are moving out of the country and not just around the corner. Pretend you are moving far, far away and are only allowed to take those things that you truly truly cannot imagine life without.


Give everything else away.


Do one room/theme at a time (ie, all the clothes, all the toys, etc.).


Take it in small chunks so you don't get overwhelmed, but purpose to get it all done. You can do it, and it is so freeing once you've done it.


Seriously though, the only time I was actually able to simplify was when we moved to Brazil (and it's been so easy to keep up with since). So, pretend you are moving across the country, to a new country, whatever. It's easy to think "we're just moving down the street, we can make as many trips as we need......" and then before you know it, you're keeping all kinds of stuff.


So -- don't think that. Pretend you can't. rent the smallest truck to move and pretend you only get one trip in it, everything else must go. Or something to that effect.


Best of luck; it's such a daunting task.

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We are moving several states next month and I've been cleaning, sorting, pitching, donating, selling, giving away for a couple weeks now. I'm finding it is a layering process. I will go through an area and think I've got it done. Then a few days later go back and see things I want to get rid of. I guess once some stuff is out, you can see other stuff.


I started in the closets. We looked at what fit and what didn't and winter clothes. All winter clothes that fit me and oldest dd where put in storage boxes for next winter. All clothes too small for oldest but too big for youngest were put in boxes and labeled. All winter clothes that just fit youngest or were too small for youngest were donated. All clothes they did not like or did not wear were donated. Oldest had some she didn't want but youngest liked, so were put up for youngest.


Then we sorted books. I took a long hard look at all our books and curriculum. Then I made a big box for the used book sales. What didn't sell, I either gave away or donated. Just this week, I went back through the books and did the whole process again.


Yesterday, I did the "notions, potions, and lotions". Oldest dd has eczema so there are a bunch of shampoos, moisturizers, lotions, laundry products, etc. that we have tried and couldn't use. Many someone else in the family will use up. But, things like fabric softner, laundry detergent, etc. that we cannot use, I asked friends if they wanted them.


We did arts/crafts supplies, cds, toys, games and puzzles the same way we sorted books. Anything too young or just didn't enjoy?


There are so many places to donate used goods that are in good condition. Libraries, GoodWill, women's shelters, churches are taking donations for flood and tornado victims, and other places/agencies need donations to make it through these difficulut times.

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