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Does your phone chime if you get an email--vote even if you don't know what I mean :)

Do you have a phone that chimes/vibrates with email notifications...does it wake you?  

  1. 1. Do you have a phone that chimes/vibrates with email notifications...does it wake you?

    • We have at least one phone that chimes/vibrates for email and it would wake someone up
    • We have at least one phone that chimes/vibrates for email but it would NOT wake someone up
    • We have no internet/email on our phones--or no phones at all--or chime/vib is turned off for email
    • other

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I voted "other" because my iphone can/will chime or buzz when I get an email, if I leave that option on, but I have it turned off on my phone, it would drive me batty.


I don't think anyone receiving an email late at night should get mad at the person sending it- they should turn that feature off if they don't want to be disturbed.

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I voted "Other". I don't know if dh's phone will chime if it gets an email. His phone is bedside. I don't know if mine will chime if it gets an email, I don't use my phone e-mail, but I leave it charging in the kitchen at night.

I suppose you're looking at all possibilities.

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I don't keep my cell phone by my bed, so it doesn't actually wake me, but if I *did* have my phone by my bed, yes, it would wake me.


A friend does, and yes, hers wakes her.


I would err on the side of caution and not e-mail after 9 p.m. if I knew it was going to her cell phone.

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I turn the chime off. I think it vibrates for e-mail, but I don't keep the phones in the bedroom after hours. We have the good 'ol landline for after-hours emergencies, which thankfully, hardly ever come.


It never really occurred to me to consider whether I was sending an e-mail at a time that might wake someone up.

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