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Where do you find the willpower...

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not to eat those boxes of Twinkies, Fudge Rounds, and cookies that your husband insists on having in the house at all times? I can refrain from buying them, but once they're in the house, I can't refrain from eating them. Help!

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We don't buy them! It cheaper in the long run if dh wants them to buy them individually for lunch. My downfall is those little chocolate donuts.


Maybe you could print out some of those 1974 WW cards linked in the other thread. Posting those anywhere near food will make you lose your appetite, even for Hostess goodies.

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Ah, but dh does buy them individually for lunch. But he also wants them as a snack when he gets home from work, then for dessert after dinner, then as a snack before bed.


Those cards were funny, but I don't think even that could stop me from eating a Twinkie that was sitting there staring at me!

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I just have this mental picture about Twinkies....if they can stay on the shelf for 12 years, how long will all that gunk stay in my body?


But homemade chocolate chip cookies are a different story. I allow myself one. And when I eat mine (whenever I make them) I make sure I've poured myself a good, cold glass of skim milk and I sit down to enjoy every little bite! It works...unless I'm pmsing :)

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A box of twinkies would be gone in 1.7 seconds at our house.


Anything sweet that dh wants to keep for himself, including soda, is kept locked up in his workvan. The only person with the key to turn off the alarm is him. :) Summertime is a different story. He usually stashes it in the shop fridge. It remains there until a child's super senses have detected the fridge's contents.


So for me its usually out of sight and out of mind. :D

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I don't have a taste for sweet junk. None. I can't imagine wanting a twinkie.


But corn chips? Love them. Cheese and crackers. Beer and wine. I have very little self control. Mostly we don't keep these things in the house because I can't resist.



My dd went to a 70's party at the library last year where they made friendship pins, watched Schoolhouse Rock and at Twinkies. She was so excited to explain to me what a Twinkie was, as if I'd never seen one of these new inventions. LOL.


I grew up with them in my lunch...bleck!

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