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Started our next school year today!


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So today we started our second year of hs. My oldest is in first grade this 2011-2012 school year. What a day. First I have to say that leading up to this day has been very stressful. Cleaning out the classroom, researching curriculum countless times, stressing over all the details. You know the normal hs mom stuff. Well last night I was so stressed I said to myself I am not going to look at anything else. Convinced that the best way to deal with this stress was to go ahead and start that would be the only way I would know if all my planning and preparation would work. I dont know if that makes sense or not. Today was our scheduled day to begin but I thought that if I kept looking at the curriculum and nit picking details I would drive meyself crazy. So starting was a great thing for me. One new thing we implemented this year was a variation on the workbox system. Wow! I accomplished so much today. I did not get everything done but it was still a productive day.

The bad news is that the workbox system did not work so well for my 3 yo. The activities I planned today were all a bit above his level so he was frustrated and distractive. The good news is I can plan better tomorrow. Anyone else start the next year?

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Sounds like a great first day! Last year I remember switching things up a lot when my dd was 3 - you'll find a groove. :)


Just this morning I was wondering if we'll last until August before we start...I'm excited to get started with our new stuff!

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We school year round, but last week, on Wednesday, June 1st, we "officially" started second grade. We celebrated first grade graduation by going out to her favorite restaurant and adopting new e-coli stuffed animals. (Her current interest is in microbiology.)

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We started everything except for our science program and our computer lessons (typing, art appreciation & computer graphics). We don't have everything needed for science yet, and we still haven't purchased our new "classroom" computer.


So far everything is going great. Schooling year round is wonderful because it takes a lot of the pressure off to get things done "quickly". :)

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Angela, where did you find these? My ds would love something like that!


They're called Giant Microbes and we found a Petri Dish full of 3 small e-colis at our local toystore. She wanted Ebola, but they didn't have it, so we settled with E-coli. We also got a toy virus from another company, I posted a picture of it here a few days ago.


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Glad to see I am not the only one. Although I know I am not the only one who schools year round. Sometimes I feel a little crazy when so many are winding down their year and we have a short break 2 weeks and then start agian.

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Jen I hope you and your family are doing okay. Glad to hear you guys are back to a routine. One thing I love about hs is that when bad things or unexpected situations occur the family unit can get through it together.

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The good news is I can plan better tomorrow. Anyone else start the next year?


We'll be starting on Monday. I'll be down to only 2 students (4th and 6th grades) for the first time since these two started school. I'm looking forward to the smaller age span. (The last few years I have had a pair of early/mid elementary students and 1-2 high schoolers.)


I'm really looking forward to school this year, after 2-3 difficult years trying to work with such different levels. Even though these two can't combine for classes like the older two could, it will still be comparatively relaxing.


I'm glad your school went well for the most part. (Reworking your plans for the 3yo shouldn't be too hard.)

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We're back at it.

Took May off (yea) and have completed our first week of 4th grade now (counting by days).


It's taken us three years, but we're finally in a bit of a routine now! Hopefully this year will go smoother.

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We will be starting on Monday, but not with everything. I'm starting a whole new program with dd8 and dd12 (Trail Guide to Learning- POE) and I'm not sure how long it will take each day so I'm going to start with just that and math each day for the two of them, math and latin for dd13 (because her other stuff hasn't come in yet), and I'm just going to have ds5 work through some fun, colorful, easy workbooks from the dollar store (until I figure out a good schedule for the POE) for a week or two before I start on his formal math and phonics. I think all 4 of them will be up to full schedules in about 2 or 3 weeks. I'm excited about starting POE and dd13 has some new programs she will be using but I am very apprehensive about how cooperative dd2 will be. Last year it was a major struggle to keep her occupied.


I'm glad the OP had such an encouraging first day of the new year! I hope ours will be too!

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This is now our third day. So far pretty good! My oldest is really enjoying the workbox system and so is my 3yo. However my 3yo is proving to be quite a work around. We'll get there. I did not introduce science this week though we will start with that next week. There are other things as well that are introduced later in our year but so far its been pretty good.

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