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Teeth Whitening Tips ~ Let's Share!

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I'm getting older and more self-conscious about 2 things ... not overly obsessed, just slightly concerned:

1. dark shadows under eyes - sleep doesn't make a difference really :confused:

2. teeth not as white as they used to be - herbal teas, green teas, coffee, etc. do not help the situation


So, did some research and here's what I came up with for #2. If anyone has more tips to share, please do so. Also, if you have tips for #1, please feel free to share those also. :D


Strawberries may help whiten teeth because they contain an enzyme called malic acid, which can be found in some whitening toothpastes.

You can mash up the strawberry or just rub it on your teeth, cut in half. Leave the juice on your teeth for one minute and then rinse with water.

The fiber in strawberries also behaves as a natural cleaner by removing bacteria from the teeth and mouth.


Apples, Celery, and Carrots

These fruits and veggies act like natural stain removers.

They increase saliva production, which is the body's built-in cleaning agent. It may sound hard to believe, but some people swear that rubbing raw carrot sticks on your teeth will make them look brighter.

These foods are high in vitamin C, which prevents gum disease and gingivitis and kills odor-causing bacteria.


Citrus fruit, such as oranges and pineapples, also cause the mouth to produce more saliva, which help clean the teeth and whiten your smile.

Just as they naturally 'bleach' your hair, lemons will lighten and brighten your teeth. Rinse with half water, half lemon juice once or twice a week.

However, do not rinse with this concoction more than two times a week and do not rinse with straight lemon juice. Overdoing it would be too acidic, which can be damaging to the teeth.


All of the experts agreed that baking soda is one of the strongest -- and safest -- whitening ingredients out there because it's an acid neutralizer that gently removes stains and buildup from the enamel.

If this mild abrasive agent is not already mixed into your toothpaste, you can sprinkle a bit on top of your paste each day. Brush with straight baking soda twice a month. This is similar to what your dental hygienist does.


When drinking dark beverages, like soda or grape juice, sip them through a straw. The straw allows food dyes to bypass teeth altogether.


Rinsing with Hydrogen Peroxide a couple of times a month can also brighten your smile, thanks to its oxidizing agents. Many mouthwashes are alcohol based, but hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic.

Mouthwash kills existing bacteria, but hydrogen peroxide prevents the growth of bacteria. You can gargle daily with hydrogen peroxide, but it always needs to be done in a 50/50 solution with water. Hydrogen peroxide is good for preventing infections and can also be helpful for preventing bad breath, which is often caused by bacteria.

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide with water (about one tablespoon each) and swish around teeth for 60 seconds. After a minute, spit it out, leaving the bubbling and whitening action of the peroxide [to] sit on teeth for another minute or two, then rinse mouth with water.


Brush and Strip - I don't like to use these more than once a year, max. Call me paranoid or whatever. I have read time and time again, that excessive use of whitening products are not good overall and may lead to increased risk of oral cancer.

Crest Weekly Clean is a good product because it contains heavy silica ingredients that work to brush stains away.

Most over-the-counter whitening strips contain a peroxide-based whitening gel to brighten teeth. Crest 2-Hour Express Whitestrips, which are made with an advanced-seal, no-slip technology that allows you to talk, drink water and go about your day are also said to be good.

Someone on another board who works in a dental office say that they always recommend starting with these. I saved some tips on using this from amazon. Using it every other day helps.


Try oil pulling with sunflower oil. I keep reading about this and have yet to try it. Some say that teeth and gums look healthier.


I always thought that one should brush immediately after tea, coffee, etc. I still do this. But then I read that doing this too soon after may cause teeth to discolor :confused:. That you have to wait about 20 minutes for the "spit coat" to form and protect your enamel. Anyone know anything about this? Thoroughly confused. The best bet, I guess, is to avoid all that - yet green tea and herb teas are good for us ... and I don't think I could live without those.

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I buy one box per year. I can usually whiten once every six months and have sparkling white teeth! Makes them a whole lot cheaper, too.


Are these flexible/bendable at all? Can they conform to the shape of the teeth (if that makes sense)? I just wonder if they'd work for anyone (ahem....me) with....shall we say....teeth that aren't exactly straight. :blush:

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When my teeth start looking yellow, I start brushing with baking soda for a while. It really works (though tastes awful). I saw a dentist a few years ago, and she couldn't believe it had been four years since my last cleaning. It's now been 8 years since my last cleaning, and my teeth don't look all that bad...though I'm due for baking soda.

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I buy one box per year. I can usually whiten once every six months and have sparkling white teeth! Makes them a whole lot cheaper, too.

I like this approach. Once a year/every 6 months shouldn't be harmful, I don't think and is quite affordable. These strips are certainly not cheap.


Are these flexible/bendable at all? Can they conform to the shape of the teeth (if that makes sense)? I just wonder if they'd work for anyone (ahem....me) with....shall we say....teeth that aren't exactly straight. :blush:

I'm not Shelly.

I did use these a few years ago. My teeth are not perfectly straight, but I think they are quite bendable and flexible.


I'd like to know what you come up with that will help those dark circles under the eyes. Lots of sleep doesn't help mine either.

Actually, I wish others could tell me what to do ... :lol: Right now, I have a looooong word document on this. It's overwhelming and I don't know what works. Haven't had time to really look at it. I'd like to start a thread on that when I have time. If anyone has any tips that actually work, would really appreciate it. I do know that they may be caused by:

• Age (dark circles are more prominent as we age because the skin gets thinner and blood vessels under the eyes become more visible)

• Allergies (one of the most common causes)

• Dehydration – not enough water

• Food Allergies

• Gluten Sensitivities

• Heredity

• Liver congestion

• Excessive use of drugs and medication

• Nutrient Deficiency and an unbalanced diet

• Poor Sleep Habits

• Stress

• Too Much Sugar

• Weak Kidney Energy


When my teeth start looking yellow, I start brushing with baking soda for a while. It really works (though tastes awful).

Good to know. Thank you. Will be doing that later today. When I remember, I try to brush my teeth with baking soda a few times a week, at least. When I remember, that is ... ;)

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I'm not Shelly.

I did use these a few years ago. My teeth are not perfectly straight, but I think they are quite bendable and flexible.


The new ones stick to your teeth so well that you actually have to take effort to peel them off. The old ones didn't stick so well, and fell off occasionally. My front teeth aren't straight and it works great.


Good to know. Thank you!

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I'd welcome any tips on those dark circles too!! Agree that it must have something to do with aging and diet but what?


For teeth, I stumbled on adding hydrogen peroxide to the Waterpic and using that daily. Amazing. Did fork over a bundle for those form fitted teeth whitening things to use with the peroxide gel but don't use them at all anymore. The Waterpic is easier, faster and fits in with toothbrushing routine, so I do it.

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I'd welcome any tips on those dark circles too!! Agree that it must have something to do with aging and diet but what?




I've had them nearly all my life and so do my boys -- had them since they were babies. I'm surprised you have them, Negin, because I usually see this in people with pale skin. It seems like one of the pale-skin curses (along with rosacea).


I guess I've kind of grown tired of trying to find a food cause of these problems because I look at darker-skinned people, and they don't have rosacea. My skin is so thin and my capillaries so evident that I ended up with broken capillaries all over my face just from pushing Ben out of the birth canal. My son broke capillaries on his face while vomiting.

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I'd welcome any tips on those dark circles too!! Agree that it must have something to do with aging and diet but what?


For teeth, I stumbled on adding hydrogen peroxide to the Waterpic and using that daily. Amazing. Did fork over a bundle for those form fitted teeth whitening things to use with the peroxide gel but don't use them at all anymore. The Waterpic is easier, faster and fits in with toothbrushing routine, so I do it.

I might start a new thread on dark circles. Somehow, I feel that I recently started a thread on this ... or there was one. Need to do a search.


Thanks for the hydrogen peroxide Waterpic tip. Maybe finally I'll get to start using a Waterpic. I'm the only one in the family who doesn't. Not good. Not good at all ... :tongue_smilie:


I'm surprised you have them, Negin, because I usually see this in people with pale skin.

Dawn, my avatar pic makes me look a bit darker than I really am. I'm actually more olive skinned than the average Caucasian, but quite white for an Iranian. If you go to my user page or whatever, my profile pic shows me more accurately in my naturally slightly paler complexion.


Off to either start a new thread or to post tips here later.

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For teeth whitening, I LOOOVE the strips from Target. it is one time I like the store brand better than the name brand. Last time I checked, Target strips were made from wax. That means they fit to your teeth beautifully. And, you can drink (cool things) while you wear them. There is also no yucky peroxide leaking out while you wear them.


Some people find the strips make their teeth ache. I am actually friends with a dentist and she assures me this is harmless. It is caused by dehydration of the tooth. She suggests taking a motrin before using the strips and, if you want, only use one set a day or every other day. You don't have to use it twice a day. You will get the same effect, it just takes longer. You can also use toothpaste for sensitive teeth one week before you bleach and continue while you are using the strips.


DH and I bleach teeth twice a year, right after a cleaning. It makes that sparkly look last a whole lot longer.

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For teeth whitening, I LOOOVE the strips from Target.

Some people find the strips make their teeth ache. I am actually friends with a dentist and she assures me this is harmless. It is caused by dehydration of the tooth. She suggests taking a motrin before using the strips and, if you want, only use one set a day or every other day. You don't have to use it twice a day. You will get the same effect, it just takes longer. You can also use toothpaste for sensitive teeth one week before you bleach and continue while you are using the strips.

DH and I bleach teeth twice a year, right after a cleaning. It makes that sparkly look last a whole lot longer.

Great tips. Thank you. :D

Are these the ones you're talking about?




Or maybe they're not available online. Target's not the best when it comes to online, IMHO.


Actually, you're probably talking about these - and I can't find them online, so will have to wait till we visit the U.S. next.




I had my teeth cleaned today at the dentist's and hope to have my Crest Strips in my possession by early next week. :) Read these tips on amazon in case anyone is interested.


If you need to get your teeth professionally cleaned, do it at least a week before you plan to use these strips.


Brush with a sensitive-teeth toothpaste twice a day for a week before you start treatment, and keep using it until you're finished with the treatments.


The part of the strip that goes on your teeth is the smooth side--the side that peels off the plastic. The dry bumpy side does not have the gel.


If you want to brush and floss, do so 3 hours before your treatment. DO NOT brush right before your treatment because your teeth and gums will kill!


I have heard of opening the pores of the teeth by brushing first, but this can be very painful, even when done lightly. The rough side of a dry washcloth works well, though, to wipe them down and dry them (the strips stick best on dry teeth, anyhow). Conversely, you can use a Waterpic or Hydrofloss to blast your teeth with water to clean things up without roughing up your teeth and gums (and those things also help to rinse the gel out of your mouth when you finish).


Use the White Strips for 30 minutes every other day to cut down on sensitivity, or even space them out longer if you need to.

Everyday and twice a day like the instructions tell you will make you miserable.

You can even do two 30-minute sessions every other day if you have time and nowhere to go.

Never put the strips on while you still feel pain.

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I prefer the Listerine strips that you put on for five minutes a day. They sort of dissolve, and the taste doesn't bother me. I use them when in the shower and then brush my teeth at the end of the shower.


It really is a daily thing for about a month, but I am kind of sensitive to strong doses of things, so I opt for these.

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I prefer the Listerine strips that you put on for five minutes a day. They sort of dissolve, and the taste doesn't bother me. I use them when in the shower and then brush my teeth at the end of the shower.

It really is a daily thing for about a month, but I am kind of sensitive to strong doses of things, so I opt for these.

Dawn, thanks for this tip also. :)

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