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need something to kill ticks that won't kill honey bees

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I know there are a few bee-keepers here - any thoughts?


The ticks are REALLY bad this year in our area, and I've been doing everything I know to do but am STILL finding them.


Bought Sevin today, got it home, and read on the back that it will kill my bees. :( So back it goes.


Is there even such a thing?

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We do have chickens - they're a relatively recent addition (1 month outdoors now) and stay mostly in their enclosed pen (we have hawks, too). I should probably let the chickens out into the yard more . . . but then I worry about them trampling the garden.




I really appreciate the ideas - I'm a city kid readjusting to a new paradigm (and LOVING it).


We do check for ticks every day, and I've offered the kids $1 for every one they find (on themselves OR the dog OR on the carpet) - we're also taking odorless garlic and using tea tree oil shampoo. I do think those measures are helping somewhat; I just wish for greater effectiveness.

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We broke down and used Ortho Max this year. I don't know if it's safe for honeybees, but we were being overrun by fleas. We've lived in our house for 8 years and never had fleas till this year...and everyone we know in our town is having the same problem. The Ortho we used says it kills ticks as well and it's a granule that you sprinkle on the ground and then water in so maybe it would be safe for bees?

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We broke down and used Ortho Max this year. I don't know if it's safe for honeybees, but we were being overrun by fleas. We've lived in our house for 8 years and never had fleas till this year...and everyone we know in our town is having the same problem. The Ortho we used says it kills ticks as well and it's a granule that you sprinkle on the ground and then water in so maybe it would be safe for bees?


this or chickens.


I do think the granules do better than a spray.


Fence your garden (even temporarily, w/step in posts and netting+zip ties) to keep the chickens out. Otherwise yo uwill never get a tomato.

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