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Any Rod & Staff Dissenters? What do you NOT LOVE about R&S?

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There is this, and here I'll also share the reasons for my strong reaction:


When the author of the book opines that barbarians are better off as barbarians than to be taught about Jesus by Catholics, he is saying that the gospel taught by Catholics is of no avail to the soul of man.


Even though Catholics are teaching that salvation is only in Christ Jesus our Lord, and sharing the gospel of his birth, death, burial, and resurrection, according to the author of the spelling book the barbarians could have received no salvation through the hearing of the word.


So what does that make Catholics? Not faithful ambassadors of the gospel, obviously. Not preachers of same. So what, then? Imposters? Liars? False teachers? If these negatives were not spelled out, there was certainly nothing truly positive in implying that the main worth of the testimony of St. Augustine was to enlighten the barbarians concerning etiquette and the proper paving of roads.


As if he did not give his entire life for the glory of Jesus Christ.


As if he did not share with the Anglo-Saxons the gospel by which all men may be saved.


As if he was not a disciple of Christ, in other words, a Christian.


So, Mennonite schoolchildren are taught that Catholics are not Christians. It couldn't be plainer.


Did Christ not say that those who weren't against him were with him? Does the holy scripture not say that the feet of those who carry the gospel are beautiful?


A faithful preacher is slandered. The faith of untold numbers of Anglo-Saxons and their descendants is flippantly disregarded. The connection between the telling of the gospel and the salvation of the faithful hearer is denied, when conditions regarding the denominational persuasion of the preacher are attached to the effectiveness of the telling of that gospel.


To say that the gospel told by anyone is of no avail and the barbarians would have been happier (except for knowing when to bow and curtsy to kings) if they hadn't heard it is to insult the Author of Salvation who commanded His disciples to preach the word unto all nations.


This is why we are offended. And I'm not even Catholic.


Actually, they are taught, by implication if nothing else, that Catholics are worse than Pagans. The Anabaptists are big on the Inquisition, but selectively "forget" their own history (incident at Muenster for example...prior to Menno, the Anabaptists were not pacifists). Catholics are the "enemy" to the extent that the colour red is forbidden other than in flowers and food...but heaven forbid your child have the "sinful" desire for a pair of red slippers (an actual children's story in one of R&S's other publishings....I used to have tons of R&S religious publishings and could probably acquire any that I wanted around here. Shoot, I was just at Shady this morning and should have looked for the tracts...would probably have found one on Catholics. Not as bad as Jack Chick, but up there if you know what I mean).


Please note that I'm referencing the type of ultra conservative Mennonite groups that R&S supplies...not the more liberal groups or Lancaster Conference).

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Thank you Dulcimeramy! :iagree: with so much of what you said and I'm not Catholic either. Things like this are what have kept me away from organized religion :(.

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{sigh} And I was looking forward to taking my son through their entire spelling series. I haven't seen the upper spelling grades in person, but thought they looked great online (I always wondered why I didn't hear of more people using them here). I have been thrilled with PHP's language lessons as an alternative to R&S English, I just wish I could find something I like as well to replace R&S's Spelling and Penmanship. Oh what to do...

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Did they totally remove the "one has to wonder if they were better off" phrase? It does sound as if it has been "cleansed." ;)


:iagree: Very interesting!

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Wow - some interesting posts here! I had no idea.


Anyway, we used R&S 5 last year and I was always surprised to hear people talk about how Christian/preachy R&S was, because I hardly saw that at all in level 5. The occasional sentence about Jesus here or there, nothing preachy, some stuff about "Brother John" or "Sister Sue". BUT...last week I started R&S 2 with my other son and WOW - what a difference! My son kept looking at me quizzically and asking, "why is this book all about God?" It seemed a bit odd to me how they harped on God having given us the sentence, God made the sentence, God made rules about the sentence. I could have done without all that. Rather preachy.


So I guess it really varies from book to book! Book 5 was fine, but I don't really care for all the talk about God making the sentence in book 2, and I'm hoping we don't have to hear about how He made the noun and the verb, and His rules for them! I don't mind references to God (and often appreciate them), but could do without the rest. And it was kind of hard to answer when my son asked, "Didn't people make sentences?" when the book said that God made them!

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I have a Rod and Staff set of grammar books that I started using last year and haven't finished yet. What did you finally decide to do with R & S. Obviously, by the sheer number of replies you have gotten regarding the dissenters, there are a number of people who really HATE it. What do you think?



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I have a Rod and Staff set of grammar books that I started using last year and haven't finished yet. What did you finally decide to do with R & S. Obviously, by the sheer number of replies you have gotten regarding the dissenters, there are a number of people who really HATE it. What do you think?




I think Rod & Staff is in that category of "curriculum I will use next if what I am using this year bombs." I do like some of what I see, I like it's systematic, thorough approach. But it still feels dry to me. I probably just need a fancy, colorful cover and then I'd be all good to go! :lol: It's amazing how much I am sometimes affected by things that don't really matter! KWIM?

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We just started 5th grade after using FLL levels 1-4. I was so spoiled with FLL because there is zero preparation and is still thorough. I would not have switched had there been a level 5. We are not doing all the written exercises in R&S - only about half. I don't like that it has no poetry memorization. Now I have to seek out poems. We'll see how long I last with it.

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We just started 5th grade after using FLL levels 1-4. I was so spoiled with FLL because there is zero preparation and is still thorough. I would not have switched had there been a level 5. We are not doing all the written exercises in R&S - only about half. I don't like that it has no poetry memorization. Now I have to seek out poems. We'll see how long I last with it.


Did you know there is a "level 5" now, essentially? It's called Advanced Language Lessons. You can contact PHP to get a lengthy sample that you can use until you're able to purchase the whole thing. They'll have it available in PDF format sometime this fall (print version not until January).

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I think it's a fine grammar program. If it floats your boat, go for it. I would rather cut the grass with scissors than use it again. Frankly I found it to be one of the most boring, uninspiring programs out there. But that's me - I love variety, and beautiful surroundings are important to my state of mind. This program had neither. The text is (or was when we used it) straight black and white with no variation in the typeset. It didn't scream "read me!". The content is excellent, though. So my only beef with the product is the packaging so to speak. And I will admit that I haven't even looked at a Rod and Staff book for several years so maybe they have changed the "packaging".


:iagree: We have used it off and on for the last 5 years. I really wanted to love it because the content is so great. My dc did learn grammar while we were using it, but it finally came down to...do I want to bore my kids to death with school, or do I want them to enjoy learning? I chose the latter. I know not all subjects will be fun and exciting, but I also don't think they should bring sighs and tears. I want learning to be a positive experience for my dc so out the window went R&S and on to brighter days. We have been "in school" for 2 weeks now (w/o R&S) and so far it has been great! These relaxed, almost stress free days are a wonderful change for us!

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