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Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

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I have been watching this show as much as possible. Last year's show was set in my home state of WV. This year is even more upsetting to me since the LA schools won't even let him in their school system. This is just another reason why I thank God that my kids won't be in public school. I mean, I can't believe the crap they feed kids at school. Actually, I can. At my son's private preschool, he was served junk every day. Soda (until he finally told the teacher he wasn't allowed to drink it about 20 times), doughnuts, cookies, just crap. The sad thing was the parents brought in snacks every day. On my days, I would bring 100% juice, fruit and healthier snacks (such as goldfish crackers). A lot of the time, she wouldn't even serve the food I brought. Isn't it so nice to have our kids OUT OF THE SYSTEM? I love it!

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I LOVE Jamie and I really appreciate his show. I have been APPALLED at what's allowed in the system. Shocked. My BFF is a local middle school teacher and most of what he fights again goes on here - potatoes are vegetables, no salads unless you pre-order, junk like that. I am SO glad my kids are home with me. We eat healthy most of the time. We have some treats - donuts once a week, frozen yogurt bars (low sugar kind), no HFCS or processed stuff for the most part. It's so sad to me that kids are fed that junk and expected to perform, especially when it seems like the alternative is not that much harder to implement.

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I LOVE Jamie and I really appreciate his show. I have been APPALLED at what's allowed in the system. Shocked. My BFF is a local middle school teacher and most of what he fights again goes on here - potatoes are vegetables, no salads unless you pre-order, junk like that. I am SO glad my kids are home with me. We eat healthy most of the time. We have some treats - donuts once a week, frozen yogurt bars (low sugar kind), no HFCS or processed stuff for the most part. It's so sad to me that kids are fed that junk and expected to perform, especially when it seems like the alternative is not that much harder to implement.


:iagree: Junk food in not banned in our house. However, it is a "sometimes" food to quote Cookie Monster. It just upsets me that we feed our kids fried food every day at school and then bemoan the health problems they have. Of course, if you ask a 10 year old whether he wants chicken nuggets with fries or grilled chicken with fruit, he will pick the former! It shouldn't even be an option except for maybe one day a week. The scary thing about LA is that they won't even let the cameras in their schools.

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That's exactly what we call it! (We call Paula Deen the "sometimes food" lady.)



We call Paula the cardiac-surgery-chef. I am even from the South, yet her stuff makes me feel like I'm going to gak up a lard ball.

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I like his show, too. A little dramatic sometimes, but I appreciate his goals.



:iagree: I liked the previous Revolution show better. It was less melodrama and more actual content. I think this season is a futile battle. I'd rather see him spending his energies somewhere that is receptive.

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:iagree: I liked the previous Revolution show better. It was less melodrama and more actual content. I think this season is a futile battle. I'd rather see him spending his energies somewhere that is receptive.



I liked last year better as well. I guess LA just didn't want anything to do with him. I am sure that he thought he would have more access or at least that him bringing the show there would force them to grant him access.

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I watched it this morning and I have to say I am glad that my kids will not be anywhere near public school. The more I watch it the angrier I get:mad:. If I had a child in that school system I would be demanding to know just exactly what they are trying to hide? The old guy on the school board just seems like all he cares about are the "rules and regulations" and doesn't give a rip about the actual kids. It is all so political that it is ridiculous! It reminds me of the whole zero tolerance stuff where a student with a plastic knife in their lunchbox is treated the same as a student who brings an actual weapon to school:001_huh:. They have completely lost all common sense and rationality!

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I love Jamie Oliver but he's fighting a losing battle. I'd rather see him somewhere else that would appreciate his help.


:iagree: I feel the same way.


I wish he would do a show where he helped normal families who wanted to change their eating habits but weren't sure exactly how to do it. Like mine. :)

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:iagree: I feel the same way.


I wish he would do a show where he helped normal families who wanted to change their eating habits but weren't sure exactly how to do it. Like mine. :)

Well, I'm not Jamie Oliver. I never went to culinary school, didn't major in dietetics. Just a mom on a small budget trying to feed our family as healthy as possible. This board is a wealth of information, how can we help you?

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