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Clothes you make for you child...what to do with them?

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I have made my dd dresses since birth and over the years found different ways to get rid of them. Even the ones I had her name monogrammed on found homes. But now that I have moved and know no one, I am wondering what to do with them. Good Will type places will take the dresses but not the ones with "EMMA" embroidered on it. Also consignment stores won't take handmade dresses.

I have thought of recycling the material and buttons, saving the embroidered name for patches on a quilt. Selling is an option, but a dress with a name on it is harder to sell then one without and how do you price a handmade item? Any ideas?

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If you have as local Buy Sell Trade group I would list them for sale there. Or I would look into other thrift stores in your area. Another possibility is to take them to the local Child Protective Services Office. When a child is removed from a home they often have few to no clothes. Foster parents are always in need of good, clean clothing. In our state, when children are removed from situations where meth was being made, they are not allowed to bring anything with them - clothes, toys, etc- because they are considered to be toxic.

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These dresses are used. Isn't etsy for new handmade items?


Yes, but also used/vintage/upcycled items. eBay is another option, but etsy fees are lower. I'd try etsy first. No way would I Goodwill unless other options had been tried. You put a lot of work and a lot of love into those!


Also - could you send them to the Emma who got the previous ones? Perhaps her mom would be willing to pay postage?

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If you are willing to give them away, I'll bet if you posted them here (on WTM site), someone knows an Emma that would get really good use out of the dresses. If it makes you feel better, ask for payment for mailing.


I am in awe of your talent to make such beautiful dresses for your daughter!

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If you are willing to give them away, I'll bet if you posted them here (on WTM site), someone knows an Emma that would get really good use out of the dresses. If it makes you feel better, ask for payment for mailing.


I am in awe of your talent to make such beautiful dresses for your daughter!


It was more the case of what I want my dd to wear and what the budget can afford sort of thing. Also having 3 boys and finally a girl makes you want to go overboard with the girly things.


Thanks all!

I really am not up for the hassle of ebay. The other EMMA I sent clothes to was on another board and I cannot find her now. Giving them away for the cost of shipping works fine with me, I just want them to be used. Thought I would see if there was some ideas I hadn't thought of.

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