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Miss Moe, I read the first page of your blog and can I just say 1) I am coveting your garden. Yes, I know it's against one of the ten commandments, but it's true. 2) I love your post on teaching kids about money. So many useful ideas. 3) I think you would make an excellent contributor to that site.

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Thanks Meggie! My garden didn't start out that way, but rather I've been working on it for 3 years.


And just this week, I've had a gopher wreck havick on one of my old garden beds--it came with the garden, so I'm not sure how old it is. I'm trying to highly discourage him from coming back because its a bed full of tomatoes and potatoes. So far he has been subjected to high pressure water, hot sauce, and a bit of cat manure (:001_smile:).


And I'm glad you enjoyed the money ideas. I have one last one to write for that series with a list of curriculum choices we have used over the years. I haven't been motivated since summer started! I'll get back to it soon.

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I am also feeling very isolated but its more because I am Southern Baptist living just south of Provo, Utah. I worry about approaching the LDS groups because I don't believe we would be accepted because of our religion. I would love to find a secular group here. I will be driving from Spanish Fork to Provo for cub scouts in the fall because that is where the closest scout troop is that is not backed by the local ward where I would feel uncomfortable. Even then it isn't a secular troop but it is backed by a church more in line with our beliefs. At this point I would love to hook up with any other homeschoolers. So that being said anyone near me with littles? :lol:


I'm in Spanish too. I don't have littles anymore, and I'm not in a homeschool group right now, but would be happy to get together for lunch or something. Welcome to the neighborhood. :)



Y'all are putting images of me dressed up for a Relief Society trip on some spinning stage :D Children would come up with pointers and give their talks!


I slapped together a group because I'm good at it and can almost do it in my sleep at this point. If we want it we can use it, if not we can keep this thread going :D


In other random news we can't decided if the cat is pregnant or getting fat.


Uh, yes, the URL for the group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LDS_WTMers/


I've been out of town and just saw this. I'm trying not to get too many things going online at once, so I think I'm not going to sign up right now, but if it gets to be too much fun over there somebody nudge me and I'll consider reconsidering. :)

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. . . although I should probably say that I will be surprised if they ask me to write for them; I sent them two writing samples and one was the "A Celestial Education?" post, which does not exactly qualify me as a "sweet sister," I know. ;)


Oooh, that was daring, but at the same time honest. :) I'm sure they'll appreciate knowing that you can sometimes be controversial. (even when you're right :tongue_smilie:)

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. . . although I should probably say that I will be surprised if they ask me to write for them; I sent them two writing samples and one was the "A Celestial Education?" post, which does not exactly qualify me as a "sweet sister," I know. ;)



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I am also feeling very isolated but its more because I am Southern Baptist living just south of Provo, Utah. I worry about approaching the LDS groups because I don't believe we would be accepted because of our religion. I would love to find a secular group here. I will be driving from Spanish Fork to Provo for cub scouts in the fall because that is where the closest scout troop is that is not backed by the local ward where I would feel uncomfortable. Even then it isn't a secular troop but it is backed by a church more in line with our beliefs. At this point I would love to hook up with any other homeschoolers. So that being said anyone near me with littles? :lol:


Just wanted to comment on the cub scouts--I'm a den leader with our ward cub scouts and I have a boy in our group who belongs to another church. His parents wanted him to be with boys in the neighborhood so he could feel that sense of community and also so they would get to know the families, too.


The other leaders and I are actually quite sensitive to this and we don't want him to feel uncomfortable in any way. We often check with his parents to make sure they are okay with things that lean more to the religious side--although it's not very often. Most of the things we do are pretty much following the scout books (in other words, they are what any other den would do) with an opening prayer thrown in. Cub Scouts focuses on service, working hard, learning new things and respecting others & God...I'd imagine that we share some common beliefs in these areas. It's possible that it might not be as uncomfortable as you're imagining, once you get to know people.


(I notice your son is 6, just fyi, in LDS wards, Cub Scouts starts at the Wolf level when boys turn 8. When we lived in Iowa, my oldest son started Tiger Scouts with a pack that was at the Methodist Church. So I do know a little bit of what it is like to feel out of place at pack meetings...ds prayed differently than all the others, but he didn't bat an eye...just walked up to the front and did it our way...and tried to figure out what was going on during unfamiliar parts.)


I also recognize that in a predominantly LDS area, you may feel a little worried about them pouncing on you or trying to convert you. :001_smile: Some people can often be overzealous, but I hope that most are just friendly and welcoming. For what it's worth, we are encouraged by our leaders to get to know our neighbors of other faiths...that's the best way to create a sense of community. I have noticed in our neighborhood, it is often more difficult to get to know those who don't attend church with me...simply because life is busy and it takes more effort to make it happen.


I'm close to you--I'm in Mapleton. I'm not a homeschooler, although I was for awhile and I wish I still was. :D My kids are ds14, dd12, ds-almost9, dd3. We love to make new friends...we should meet up at a park and get to know each other! PM me if you'd like. I know how hard it is to be in a new place and feeling lonely!

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. . . although I should probably say that I will be surprised if they ask me to write for them; I sent them two writing samples and one was the "A Celestial Education?" post, which does not exactly qualify me as a "sweet sister," I know. ;)

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Shows your special spirit, right?

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