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Would this fall under "advertising"? I just don't know, so I'll give it a shot.

I've been getting a lot of hits on my blog recently, and all of them seem to be going to my schedules. (Which is fabulous given that is the whole reason I put them up there.) They are free and available for your use as you see fit.

I do get a number of questions regarding them though, so I thought I would answer them here (most of my hits originate from this forum).

They are formatted similar to SL's instructor guides. (No, I don't use SL, but I did try them once.) They are in MS Word format and easily edited.

Why the detail? We were military when I started creating them, and moving frequently. I was getting sick and tired of having to re-create a system for each state we moved in, so I finally grabbed rules and regulations for each of the 50 states regarding homeschooling and found the strictest of those to use as my standard. (That was about 10 years ago, so things may have changed.)

Yes, unless noted otherwise, I did create each schedule myself. (Yes, my husband groans about it; and rolls his eyes. . .)

No, I did not copy the SOTW guides for the encyclopedia correlations. Yes, I did own the SOTW guides; however, my kids (and I) were getting irked with being directed to the same encyclopedia entries multiple times, and not getting to others at all. (I have no plan to update this particular piece, as I own all the "old" books.)

Yes, I do take 3rd parties’ schedules that are offered and post them on my blog. I started sharing my schedules to spare other homeschool moms the grief of making them (“do unto others. . .â€); thus, it only makes sense to me to allow others to do the same. I do “vet†the schedules I receive, because I need to keep my space “cleanâ€, (it is limited after all). Therefore, I won’t post a copy of a schedule that only has minor differences.

I think that covers the majority of the questions I receive. I hope all of you have a fabulous upcoming year.

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Thank you!! I am downloading/editing a couple for two or three things we need to finish up (Now I'm not going to put them into HST).




Oh, and I did read some of your blog. :001_smile:


Congrats to your hubby on finising nursing school!


Mine just finished a degree also (unrelated field). I know what you mean about needing some time off from him going to school. Every once in a while, he makes a comment about going for the MA. He just turned 50, and feels that if he's going to do it, it should be now or never (That's kind of the way he thinks about everything though.:tongue_smilie:).

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I had a hunch, so I checked it out--you are the creator of that beautiful Rod & Staff Grammar 2 schedule, complete with advice for using the term "declarative sentence" the first time through, that I downloaded for next year. I think it's awesome! Thank you so much.


(By the way: For some inexplicable reason, "Botany" is misspelled "Botony" on your science page.)

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(By the way: For some inexplicable reason, "Botany" is misspelled "Botony" on your science page.)


:lol: "inexplicable" is known as "human"


Thanks for pointing it out. I'll fix it on the morrow, but till then I can have a good laugh at myself for failing to identify that!

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I hope it doesn't count as advertising either.


You have intrigued me enough to actually go on a hunt through your site.


I am still scared of the schedule I will have to make for next year (thanks to SL and my pencil, this year isn't bad)


I love scheduling and resoucing and curriculum hunting. I am a flashy organising junkie


nfortunately I am useless at making my own schedules, it bores me to tears, I just really wish sonlight had a blank schedule you could download lol. I have so many d/l-able planners (TOS, Master Planner, blog homemade ones) and none of them hit the spot for me schedule wise) I will probably get to the point where I make a planner myself and get someone to actually custom make a schedule template for me...I could use DH for that, but he would probably make the most dry planner lol.


*bounces* off to look at your fantabulousness :)

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for your fantastic planners. I used them this past year for R&S English 6 and General Science. I'm using them this year for R&S 7 and Physical Science. I'm also using your blank planner to plan my other subjects. Right now, I'm working on FLL 3. Again, I say, thanks!

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I'm also using your blank planner to plan my other subjects. Right now, I'm working on FLL 3.


Oooh! Can I get a copy of your FLL 3 sched (when it's finished)? :D



My boys will be in FLL 2 this year, but if I could save time on FLL 3. . .;)

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Year after year, I've done this with a stack of 36 photocopied blank Sonlight schedule pages per child. Until 2 years ago, when I got HST+.


I was just trying to talk myself into once again doing the nightmare of scheduling HST+ (I have to re-learn it each summer) but was really leaning toward the pencil-and-blank-page again.


You are my new hero :001_tt1:. Thank you thank you thank you.


(And PS: my dh just graduated nursing school after having left the military a few years ago, like yours. He, too, started making Master's noises right away until he saw the insane look in my eye . . . I'm almost better now, and that was 2008, so there's hope ahead for you. After a few years of recovery ;))

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(And PS: my dh just graduated nursing school after having left the military a few years ago, like yours. He, too, started making Master's noises right away until he saw the insane look in my eye . . . I'm almost better now, and that was 2008, so there's hope ahead for you. After a few years of recovery ;))


Thanks! I need all the hope I can get. . .

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Gosh, I'm writing to the REAL Christine of Core Foundations??!!! I hate to sound gushy, but you are my hero! I have downloaded three schedules from your site this year and will use two this coming school year (Runkle's Geography and Apologia General Science). The third one is sitting in my binder to use for history up ahead. I just do not know what I would have done without this great resource.


Thank you and God bless you,


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