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My first day of homeschooling was.....

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DS5 woke up REALLY excited for his first day of Kindergarten this morning. We got religion, math and handwriting done really quickly this morning. The came playtime. We went back for round two (phonics, AAS and history). While we were playing a phonics game, DS said he didn't feel well. He went into the bathroom and threw up! My other two kids have been sick this past week, but not throwing up. So...that was the end of that.


About an hour later, he was feeling completely fine. (Not to be gross, but I just think the drainage overnight from his cold made him nauseous) Anyway, he asked to do more school so we did our history (mapwork and intro to N America...the first stop on our trip around the world). It was a lot of fun!


We never got to AAS, but might do it after dinner (our normal time for our reading lesson).


All in all, it was a great day. Things went MUCH quicker than I anticipated which is great. I was worried that I had overpurchased, but I didn't. DS loved everything we did.


Having the littles around wasn't that big of a deal, especially since things were done so quickly. As they woke up, they just joined the party. DD3 did a little coloring. It just felt so natural to be doing this. DD3 was listening in on a lot of DS5's work and was actually learning from it (this shocked me).


All in all, this was an awesome day. I am so glad that God led us down this path. It is the best thing that ever happened to this family! Thanks for everyone's help in making curriculum decisions! I'll need support later when I hit burnout.... :lol::lol::lol:

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Sounds like a good first day all in all--hope your son's feeling all better! I remember on my first day of first grade, sitting in our reading circles, a girl said, "Teacher, I threw up." Sure enough she had, all in her dress! We didn't even hear her & she was sitting like 2 people over from me! I'd never known someone to throw up so quietly!


Ah, memories...


May you have many HAPPY memories homeschooling!! Merry :-)

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Sounds like a great first day...unexpected interruption excepted.


When DD was about 3 I sometimes had to remind her not to give DS (then 8) the answers to math questions. It wasn't that he was behind or she was particularly advanced, but she had just heard us go over some of the basic facts so much that she knew them. From the time she was 2 she insisted on doing schoolwork with us so I printed out free worksheets from http://www.learningpage.com/ and she would work on them as much as she wanted to. Then when she got tired or bored she'd toddle off and do something else.


Good luck on your homeschooling journey!

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My little guy is spiking a really high fever now so it looks like our second day of homeschooling will be a sick day. :svengo: He was SO upset when I told him we weren't having school tomorrow. So, we will just play it by ear and might just do a little bit tomorrow. I am so glad he loved school today. I have felt a little guilty about him missing out on public school with his friends. I'm sure they don't get to have as much fun as we do. And they definitely aren't done by 11am! :D

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Glad your first day went (mostly) well, and sorry for the impending sick day!


We started today too. (But, let's pretend like we didn't start til NEXT Monday, when I actually planned to start. Someone needs to pay closer attention to the calendar and stop jumping the gun... :tongue_smilie: Guess we have time for another week of vacation during the year sometime!)

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