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Does anyone have any experience with taking zinc supplements?

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I've been taking zinc for memory/focus purposes, and frankly, it helps me quite a bit. Unfortunately, it gives me very bad reflux, even if taken with food :( If I take it without food, it gives me the reflux and bad stomach pain too.


I've only tried one brand/type. Are there options for this sort of thing--like, buffered or chelated or...I don't know. Anything that makes it easier to digest? I'm trying to find a way to avoid needing ADHD meds, and the zinc is part of a combo that works pretty well, but if it's tearing me up internally, that's clearly not a worthwhile tradeoff!



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We take this liquid zinc http://www.nutritionsurplus.com/index.cfm/FuseAction/Shopping.ProductDetails/productid/40954.html?gclid=CJ6SkPPDjqkCFUgaQgodqk8SoA (it's slightly sweet) or my dh puts it on his earlobes. He says that it is absorbed through the skin and he gets even better results that way.


What a great tip! I've been trying to figure out how to get a zinc supplement into a couple of my kids, and skin application sounds too good to be true! Earlobes, really??? Any place else that would work?

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What a great tip! I've been trying to figure out how to get a zinc supplement into a couple of my kids, and skin application sounds too good to be true! Earlobes, really??? Any place else that would work?


Pulse points gets it to the bloodstream quickly - so the inside of your elbow, the inside of your wrist would work well too. (Personally I would think that would work better than dh's method of the earlobes. . .)

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All I know about zinc is the following, although Jean's tips and recommendation sounds very interesting. Going to read up on that.


Zinc - 25-50 mg per day


Use zinc gluconate lozenges or OptiZinc for best absorption

L-OptiZinc is a patented form of bio-available zinc – bio-available means best absorbed

Don't take it on an empty stomach or it could make you nauseous.

There are quite a few brands of L-OptiZinc. I like Solaray, although I know there are others.

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I've never had a problem with that but I did take it for awhile because my dermatologist wanted me to. It may have given me bladder issues. I went on and off of it and every time I went on, I had issues. But I also had a UTI that I didn't realize was a UTI for a long time so that may have been it.

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