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has anyone had a failed root canal?

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I'm over a year out but I've always had sensations, sometimes I've even had pain. The pain came and went but recently I started to get a "heartbeat" in the tooth:confused: and today I can barely eat on it. I thought I should have NO sensations after a root canal? My dentist knows I have issues with SEVERE tooth pain so she sent me to the best to have this done. I fear I'm going to have to have the tooth pulled.


If you've had a failed root canal, what was done to fix it?


Between the procedure and the cap we spent about $1000 and I fear once they take the cap off it will break and I'll have to get another. :thumbdown:

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There are actually more nerves/roots that aren't taken care of during the root canal. I had a tooth that was giving me lots of trouble even after the root canal and the dentist was afraid I'd end up losing the tooth. He gave me some medicine to hopefully calm the other nerves down. Thankfully that worked. I never knew this could be an issue until then. Sorry I can't be more specific, I'm not a detail person, just a big picture person.


I hope that this can work for you too.

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Yes, about six years later (last year) the tooth became abcessed and I had to have it pulled. It was a cracked tooth though and I was warned that I may have more trouble with it. I hope things turn out better for you. :grouphug:

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I had 2 failed root canals...both teeth had to be pulled...it was excruciating.

I now have a root canaled tooth that was fine for 10 years...then started acting up.....turns out the first dentist missed one root. There was one root right behind the other...and it couldn't be seen on a regular x ray.. Now, this tooth is already posted and crowned, so to fix it is a really big ordeal...and $2000. Same thing happened to dh, but the surgeon went in from the gum line, clipped the top of the tooth and was root canaled from there. Ouch!!



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I had something similar happen to me about 25 years ago, only it was shortly after the root canal. The dentist was honest and said he may have

missed a bit of the nerve. I went back in and he x-rayed-which didn't show anything conclusive, but he decided to go back in and "root-it-out"

some more, just in case. Sure enough, it did the trick. Some would say he was a poor dentist because of what happened, I disagree. I appreciated his humility and decisive action instead of dismissing my pain as something peculiar with ME. I wonder if you had a miniscule bit of nerve and it repaired itself or grew back over a year's time. Nerves have been known to do that, but I'm not certain about dental nerves. :confused:



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I did. The dentist had broken a file in it and left it there. :glare: I didn't know until another dentist worked on it for me.


:scared: I can't believe that! I know that can't be my problem. That file couldn't have stayed in my mouth for over a year. That's *AWFUL!!!!!*

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:scared: I can't believe that! I know that can't be my problem. That file couldn't have stayed in my mouth for over a year. That's *AWFUL!!!!!*


Mine was in there for almost two. I spent two years in misery, with the dentist swearing that I must be imagining it. I finally went to another dentist (I hated to spend the money) who found it.


Mine hurt from the start, though, so that's probably not it.

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Mine was in there for almost two. I spent two years in misery, with the dentist swearing that I must be imagining it. I finally went to another dentist (I hated to spend the money) who found it.




I hope I don't have to go to the emergency dentist in the next two days. I hope to find out what the issue is on Tuesday. I better not have anything left in there!!! How AWFUL for you!!!

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  • 2 months later...

About 4 years ago, I had a wisdom tooth growing crooked into the tooth in front. The wisdom tooth was removed, the tooth in front had a rather big hole, so the dentist did a root canal. It never felt right afterwards - There was tenderness, so I tried not to chew on that side, and my teeth felt loose. Through this process, I came across some things to do that have completely turned the problem around!!


Dr. Weston Price has a book called "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration," in which he researches primitive cultures across the world and their teeth. He was on a quest to figure out why these primitive people had beautifully aligned, healthy white teeth and gums and rare cavities. He found out a lot, but one thing I tried in his book that I truly believe has helped so much is to take fermented cod liver oil capsules along with butter oil capsules. This is a product by Green Pastures. AMAZING!!!


I have also learned much in the way of essential oils, and I am using a blend called Plague Defense which has Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary ct. Verbenone in it. (I purchase this from Heritage Essential Oils website - GREAT resource!!) I put a drop on my toothbrush after I brush with toothpaste (which I have been making homemade) and brush all around my gums, then leave it in my mouth. It only takes a little bit - the cinnamon can be strong, but I don't mind. This deters bacteria growth and keeps the teeth and gums healthy.


This may seem crazy, but I am also now making my own toothpaste, which has coconut oil, baking soda, essential oils (peppermint, plague defense blend, myrrh), baby mild liquid castille soap (yes-SOAP!) and black walnut powder. (Black walnut is known to repair and rebuild teeth!!) Still experimenting...just trying to get away from chemicals after having had some experiences demonstrating they are truly adversely affecting myself and my family....


There is much more that I've learned, but I will stop there so as not to overwhelm anyone too much! LOL!


Between all of these things, my teeth feel back to normal - tight and no longer sore! I am truly amazed how natural remedies have helped me, and with each success, I realize more and more I can oftentimes find answers through natural means. Yeah! :D


Hope this can help someone out there!


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I had one tooth which gave me trouble for several years. I had - I kid you not - SIX times the root canal done. Then twice the oral surgeon went in through the side to cut off the remaining root tip. It ended up abscessing and had to be pulled. Apparently, the tooth had a branched root and was impossible to treat with root canals (but they only found out after the fact)

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