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please... math recommendations for 7th grade

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we are currently using teaching textbooks for the last 3 years and dd loves that everything is 100% independent and done online. the only problem is we moved and are down to one computer and my younger dd uses it for math and spelling and we are struggling for the time to get my oldests math done! so i need to switch for next year. she dislikes workbook style for this subject and would love something thats totally independent. we have used BJU, saxon and math u see in the past, all of which she disliked.....


thanks! :lurk5:

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This isn't a recommendation for another program but have you considered letting her get up 30 minutes earlier than every one else and then doing another 30 minutes (or however long she needs) in the evening? You may have already thought of that and ruled it out but I know when one finds a math program that works and is liked then it is frustrating to find another that will live up.


The only programs we have used that would be appropriate for that age are MUS and Chalkdust. My 7th\8th is using Chalkdust now independently but there are still lectures that need to be watched on the computer however, they wouldn't take up as much computer time as TT does.

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Why don't you give Right Start Geometry/Intermediate Math a look? It's meant to practice all the basic math skills, but does it as applied to geometry. It is not a proof-based course, but will lay some nice groundwork for hs geometry. It comes with a set of drawing tools and some of the exercises look very interesting. Both dd and ds have been using it as a supplement to pre-algebra and algebra, so we're taking it a bit slower than one year.



PameLA in VA

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I agree with 5littlemonkeys. How about letting her work on it at night? As someone who has bounced through 12 different math programs, if you find one that works, stay with it!

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This isn't a recommendation for another program but have you considered letting her get up 30 minutes earlier than every one else and then doing another 30 minutes (or however long she needs) in the evening? You may have already thought of that and ruled it out but I know when one finds a math program that works and is liked then it is frustrating to find another that will live up.


:iagree: That was my first thought as well as I read your post.


I agree with 5littlemonkeys. How about letting her work on it at night? As someone who has bounced through 12 different math programs, if you find one that works, stay with it!




I can't imagine switching math programs when you've found one that works well for your student. I hope you opt to find another way to stick with it.




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I agree, it would be a disservice to her to switch from something that is working well when you've already tried many others that don't work for her.


There are many hours in a day to use the computer, get creative. Maybe she does her math in the evening instead of day or maybe only 3 days a week and she doubles up lessons, or maybe she does math while the younger one takes a break between subjects. Ask her what her solutions are-maybe she has a good idea ;)


Anyway to get another computer donated or a very low cost? Rebuilt ones are sometimes very cheap (few hundred dollars) and would be fine for TT work.


Good luck!

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If the time-switching thing doesn't work, and she wants something independent, give Life of Fred a try. It's a great math program, and specifically designed to be done independently, and is definitely NOT workbooky!


My husband and I are both math people (he is a mathematics full professor at an eastern university, and I have tutored there) and we really love Life of Fred. It doesn't work for everyone (you really do have to work the problems before peeking at the answers, and not just zoom through the books like a story, and it's not for people who find reading to be difficult) but if it fits your style, it's also very inexpensive, and the company is great about stuff like free shipping and contacting the author for help!




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