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Weighted vests for a sensory seeker

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Have they worked well for you? Dd is much better than she used to be (was extremely sensory seeking when she was younger), but she still seeks out some extra sensory input. She also often dissolves into sobbing fits at the smallest disruption and needs strong hugs/physical contact to calm down. She can go on for a LONG time if she doesn't get a deep pressure-type hug, but that ends it pretty much instantly. (This happens at home, in preschool, in public, etc.) I'm wondering if a weighted or compression vest would help her. She's not in OT anymore (stabilized enough to test out of EI) so I'm winging it, lol. I know she has no problem with tight clothing (keeps wearing the baby's clothes) but I can't think of a good way to test if weight helps besides just buying one & trying it....

Edited by LittleIzumi
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Have they worked well for you? Dd is much better than she used to be (was extremely sensory seeking when she was younger), but she still seeks out some extra sensory input. She also often dissolves into sobbing fits at the smallest disruption and needs strong hugs/physical contact to calm down. She can go on for a LONG time if she doesn't get a deep pressure-type hug, but that ends it pretty much instantly. (This happens at home, in preschool, in public, etc.) I'm wondering if a weighted or compression vest would help her. She's not in OT anymore (stabilized enough to test out of EI) so I'm winging it, lol. I know she has no problem with tight clothing (keeps wearing the baby's clothes) but I can't think of a good way to test if weight helps besides just buying one & trying it....


We had received a Spio Vest when DD was in EI. We are actually in the process of having her reevaluated by her OT from EI b/c of her OCD tendencies, flapping and jumping and overall inability to transition without a huge fuss. :( The spio vest is to small for her now so I am thinking about making my own weighted vest for her.

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My ds didn't like the weighted vest at all, but like the weighted blanket, and a cat shaped to drape around his neck like a travel pillow. He especially liked lying in a normal blanket,cocooned with an adult holding each end and swaying him from side to side. This calmed him but as he is now too heavy I have just got a hammock which I will try to use to relax him between subjects. Cant wait to see if it works. When he was little I did a lot of oral work with him on the garden swing as he loves movement! Sometimes i would wrap him in a blanket and hold him tight - for deep pressure.

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My ds's OT loaned us one to try and ds hasn't really liked it. He is also a sensory seeker that loves deep pressure. If you try one I'd just get your own vest and add weights. That is what the one we borrowed is like and the OT said it was way cheaper to do that way. The main problem we have is that ds just won't leave it on.


My ds loves jumping so we got him a 55" trampoline we have set up inside. He's definitely been easier to manage since we got it. For deep pressure we just ordered him steamroller from South Paw on the recommendation of his OT. It was kind of pricey but grandma generously offered to get it for him. I'm really hoping it will help with his need for deep pressure.

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When dd was in therapy the two things that seemed to help her calm the most were swinging and wearing the vest. But swinging for 10 min before she needed to do something focused helped more than the vest. She is growing out of the need for swinging, though (although if she doesn't get a lot of physical activity every day she can get awful wily). I think this is because she is getting better about finding the input she needs on her own and has learned enough at gymnastics to be able to do it safely (well, for the most part ;)).

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When dd was in therapy the two things that seemed to help her calm the most were swinging and wearing the vest. But swinging for 10 min before she needed to do something focused helped more than the vest. She is growing out of the need for swinging, though (although if she doesn't get a lot of physical activity every day she can get awful wily). I think this is because she is getting better about finding the input she needs on her own and has learned enough at gymnastics to be able to do it safely (well, for the most part ;)).


Dd has a free trial class at gymnastics next month :lol:. I hope it helps. I do have a weighted lap blanket but it's less practical for daily use.

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Ds liked the weighted lap pad over the vests. Also, we have a weighted blanket for at night. Even though your dd isn't in OT anymore, it seems she would still benefit from a sensory diet. I had stopped with my son last year, thinking he was outgrowing it, only to realize recently that I never should have stopped. When we set up the sensory diet for ds, we only needed to go 4 - 6 times to the OT, and then only every 6 weeks to check his progress/tweak his program.


PS - all of our weighted gear comes from Salt of the Earth Weighted Gear. I don't know how old your dd is, but they also make adorable weighted stuffed animals and dolls.

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Ds liked the weighted lap pad over the vests. Also, we have a weighted blanket for at night. Even though your dd isn't in OT anymore, it seems she would still benefit from a sensory diet. I had stopped with my son last year, thinking he was outgrowing it, only to realize recently that I never should have stopped. When we set up the sensory diet for ds, we only needed to go 4 - 6 times to the OT, and then only every 6 weeks to check his progress/tweak his program.


PS - all of our weighted gear comes from Salt of the Earth Weighted Gear. I don't know how old your dd is, but they also make adorable weighted stuffed animals and dolls.


She does have a heavy baby (weighted Waldorf-type doll I made) that she likes. I do need to up her sensory diet though :001_unsure:.

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