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OK. I've had enough

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There was another report last night of a man attempting to abduct children in the area where I live. There was one attempt in September or October of last year, there was another one a few months ago, and ANOTHER one Monday. All involve a man in a white van. He has solicited children coming home from school and playing in the park.


I have had enough. This used to be a safe, small town. I feel like my kids can't play outside without me, and that I need to carry some type of weapon. The last attempt was very close to my house.


What can I do?

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This happened in our area about 7 years ago...


A couple kids reported being asked to take a ride with a man in a certain kind of truck. The neighborhood was on edge. I saw the police come into our indoor soccer game and escort a dad outside for questioning b/c he had that vehicle.


It turned out the kids were lying.

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A number of years ago a friend's daughter was abducted. Unbelievably, she was let go several hours later with no harm done to her. (The abductor saw a postal worker and told the little girl to go tell him she needs her mommy. Postal worker took her then to the house of a friend nearby to try to figure out what to do. Police were called and family was reunited.)


It was a terrible wake-up call to their family and all who know them.


Just a couple weeks ago a different friend's child had a man try to lure him into a van. (I don't know where you are located but see that you are in Illinois somewhere--this incident happened in Oak Park.) My friend's child ran home and they filed a police report. The only different thing he should have done would have been to run inside one of the nearby stores and ask a woman for help there.


In the first case I mentioned, wherein the child was actually abducted, the family went over to a policy of a strict buddy system--no one below a certain age goes out, even just into the yard, without a buddy. All their kids now have cell phones also.


They also have specifically trained all of their kids for what to do in case of an attack or attempted abduction, etc. Have you had this kind of training with your kids? Teach them:


--Run to where there are other people.

--Find a woman, preferably a mom with kids, but any woman, to help.

--Yell, scream, and fight if you haven't been able to run away. Get their dad to practice this with them too. I told my kids the two crime scene principle: you can be rescued at crime scene number one, where the abduction is taking place, because there are usually people there. However, if the abductor takes you to a second location, it will be a location that is secret and where the abductor feels safe. Most people DIE at crime scene number two. Therefore you do EVERYTHING you possibly can, even if he's got a weapon, at crime scene number one.


Read the Gavin de Becker books, and more importantly, discuss them with your children.


:grouphug: I know it's scary--I feel like I will never relax after the two near-misses of my friends.:grouphug:

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I read Protecting the Gift. Essentially, listen to your fear.


I am considering carrying a pepper spray again.


I would disagree w/your characterization of the message. I think it is listen to your gut, b/c it will warn you of danger.


I totally respect your decision about the pepper spray, though. If that is what you need, then do it.



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Yes, teach your kids what to do. Strider's suggestions are great.


I don't know what it is about white vans but I am in Australia and we had a guy in a white van attempt to abduct kids around my area a few years back. I just lectured the kids over and over about watching out for white vans, for suspicious people, warned them there was an abductor around, and told them to run if someone tried to grab them or get them to enter a car.

And I taught them to trust their gut feeling. And to hang out with friends rather than alone.

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Educate! again and again and again. You can not be with your children 24/7. This is hard but something I had to reconcile myself to.


This is a DVD that we have and still play once in a while. It is very good at helping them recignize good/bad and who they are to trust.

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A few times a year, my kids' karate school has a safety class on stranger danger and self defense. It's free to all kids, and teaches not only how to watch out for that type of situation, but also some physical things to do, just in case. It's very kid-friendly, but so informative. Definitely worth checking around in your area to see when/if there's something like that available.

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