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My poor little boy is either sick (viral) or seriously constipated (TMI).

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He just woke up shaking and teary. It freaked me out given how he's been doing so I called the nurse.




Last July we took him in because he was having on going tummy aches that we couldn't figure out. While chatting with the doctor (not our normal doc), I happened to mention he had monster-sized bowel movements. Her diagnosis was chronic constipation. That never occurred to us because he went poo regularly and it was never difficult to pass.


Fast-forward to about a month ago. He started having tummy aches again. I also noticed his poo had gotten larger. So, we gave him a few doses of Miralax but he immediately got diarrhea so we backed off.


Fast forward again and he's had diarrhea about 4 out 5 movements for the past week or more. The 5th being a huge formed poo. Sunday, he ate a Gogurt at church and threw it up on the way home. Other than that, he seemed fine though he ate very little. Yesterday, he ate 1/2 pancake for breakfast before declaring himself full. He skipped lunch and had a handful of potato chips for a snack. He ate 3 bites of mac and cheese and didn't even touch the chocolate shake he ordered (we were on a date). At dinner, he wasn't feeling good (tummy hurt) and he said he was full. He threw up the mac & cheese about 40 minutes later.


The only thing he's eaten today is some apple sauce, and he wanted but didn't eat breakfast.


He drank all of the gatorade/Miralax mix I just gave him. He's really good about allowing medical exams and treatment and taking medicine when I tell him it will help him get better.


She said to give him the Miralax daily for 1-2 weeks no matter what, and to expect LOTS of poo. His appetite, vomiting, and fever should resolved within a couple of days as he drains out the other end, basically.


I just feel so sad for him.


We're working through the rest of the dairy in our kitchen and giving it up again in hopes it will clear up a few issues in our house. We have known dairy issues but thought everyone had outgrown them, now we are not so sure. We're hoping it will have DS9's behavior and depression, DS4's bowel issues, and DD1's bowel movements (loose but may be caused by BFing) and language acquisition (seems a bit slow).


No one WANTS to give up dairy.


Thanks for reading. I just needed to vent to somebody.

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Both of my step-children have chronic constipation and use Miralax daily no matter what. DSD had been on it for about two years now. It is so hard to stay on top of adjusting the amounts back and forth and keeping up with how their BMs are! I hope your poor little boy feels better soon! :grouphug:

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Dd had a constipation issue when she was little, too. Miralax helped every time, I hate to admit. For what it's worth, she's not got a dairy issue; it's a staple in her diet to this day, and those problems are long gone.


Poor kid. :grouphug: Poor mama. :grouphug:

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The nurse at our doctor's office knows the whole history. She knows he's vomiting. She does think he's blocked up, which is why she's put him back on the Miralax. She expects the fever (only 99.5) and vomiting (twice in 36 hours) will get better as the Miralax cleans him out. His appetite should return as the Miralax works too. She's given me the get immediate medical care symptoms, as well.

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