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Slumlord landlord wants another...

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Exactly, and I have told one landlord in the past to not send people over before we are moved out (because I won't lie or keep my mouth shut given the circumstances we had with that landlord...I won't go into detail, but it was serious, as in someone could get hurt or die). She sent people over anyway and I showed them the house...including every issue and every comment the landlord had made about it.


That is so funny, I am so doing it, if she says she wants people to look, I will prewarn her.

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No, no sleuthing, unless you think that posting on a thread on a public message board and then scrolling down and happening to see two other threads with the exact same word in the title is sleuthing. No trying to stick my nose into your business or that of my tenants. You asked for intelligent replies. I tried to give that regarding advice for documentation and finding out what your contract says and advising going to authorities if your landlord is breaking the contract and your rights. I did that because I would hope that would help you, not to hurt you. I explained what I did about why we pick up our rent in person so that you might see another perspective on why someone might do that. We've had our renters for over 3 and 5 years respectively, so they seem to be satisfied.


I understand where you are coming from, and if she was a good landlord, I would understand her too. But she could care less for the property,she is not going to fix anything, it is a lie, every year she weighs the fact of fix or tear the whole place down.

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Jet, read the terms of the lease regarding inspections, and abide by them. Then you will be holding up your end of the contractual obligation, regardless of your landlord not doing so.


I agree that a lot of houses in the very nice area you live in are owned by slumlords who rent only to college students. We found one house there, and the landlord refused to rent it to us b/c we were not college students. It was obvious he wasn't planning to fix anything, which was why he rented to students only -- he said as much. He said professionals would never be able to stand to live in it. I think he was afraid we'd end up suing him if we rented his house.


We were so desperate at that point, that we were willing to take anything big enough to fit our family. After hearing your story, I'm glad we ended up with a relatively good landlord, even though our house is way to small for us and is in the middle of nowhere.


It is very difficult in this area to find a decent, well-kept house to rent. Nigh unto impossible, in fact. There has been a major shortage of rental housing for the 2.5 years I've been following the market. People are desperate and will take anything because living in a tent is not an option.


If you find a suitable house, remember what I said. Sign the lease and pay the required money on the spot. If you take time to think about it, the people who see the house after you will take it on the spot.

Edited by RoughCollie
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You would have been suspicious of me then, because EVERY MONTH is ridiculous. I like my privacy. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to people coming over and the house. I always insist on 24-48hr notice. We agreed to once every 6mos inspection (2yrs and no inspection). Once a month would lead me to believe that you were OCD as a landlord (or nosy) and would not understand a place not being immaculate. In other words, just the speculations as to why you want to inspect so (unusually) often would give me anxiety. I wouldn't be able to live like that.


Now, I have had three landlords that lived next to me. These were people that I was comfortable with though and even still they respected my privacy and I respected theirs.




If a landlord expected monthly inspections, I'd feel like I was living at home with my mother again. I'm perfectly capable of reporting any problems, and if my references aren't good enough to stave off suspicion, then this landlord is not someone I'd rent from.


I completely understand wanting to keep rental property properly maintained, but there's a reason there are contracts, background and credit checks for potential tenants.

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I understand where you are coming from, and if she was a good landlord, I would understand her too. But she could care less for the property,she is not going to fix anything, it is a lie, every year she weighs the fact of fix or tear the whole place down.


That's frustrating. Does she have the funds to do what is needed?

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That's frustrating. Does she have the funds to do what is needed?


That is the biggest funny of the day. Hmm, she has a full personal staff of 10, and they vacation every weekend and go to Spain for a mo. every year. Uhhh, she just had them plant impatients professionally everywhere, front and backyard.


Girlfriend is not strapped. She just spends all my rent on stravagances. Is that how Ricky said it.

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That is the biggest funny of the day. Hmm, she has a full personal staff of 10, and they vacation every weekend and go to Spain for a mo. every year. Uhhh, she just had them plant impatients professionally everywhere, front and backyard.


Girlfriend is not strapped. She just spends all my rent on stravagances. Is that how Ricky said it.


Bummer. I'm sorry.

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If a landlord expected monthly inspections, I'd feel like I was living at home with my mother again. I'm perfectly capable of reporting any problems, and if my references aren't good enough to stave off suspicion, then this landlord is not someone I'd rent from.


I completely understand wanting to keep rental property properly maintained, but there's a reason there are contracts, background and credit checks for potential tenants.




I've had slumlords and fantastic landlords. Funny thing... the slumlords were always in my business while the responsive great landlords respected my privacy and trusted I was a mature adult to take care of their property and report things as needed. Quite honestly, I'd be buying if I was in a position to do so. But unfortunately, we have to rent. I think the best thing a landlord can do to protect themselves is those reference checks, etc. before even renting a property out.


OP, I hope your situation resolves itself. If I was in your shoes, I'd be moving out asap.

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:grouphug: In all the years I rented in the US I never once had an inspection, so when I realised it was standard here in Australia I freaked out.


That said.. it's always worth knowing the legal rights of both the renter and the rentee. When we rented in the states we had an issue with an unwanted rodent.. ie a rat. Yeah, it wasn't pretty. The darned thing ate my vacuum, ate my child's walker, and ate medicine spoons that I didn't see laying out before going to bed.


I lodged complaints 3x and still got no action. I looked up the law to verify my point and refused to pay them. When they demanded rent I told them that according to the law of the state I was living in I had the right to withhold rent until proper action had been taken and I could also use my rent monies to fix damages done. Thus, I felt that buying a new vacuum and replacing my child's walker were far more important then paying someone to sit on his rump and not deratify my apartment. ;)


They were out in 2 hours to fix the problem and I never saw another rat again. Amazing what knowing the law and putting it to work for you can do.


That said.. here we had issues with someone selling a house we were renting. The agent, in this case, tried to drag people through EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. We are homeschoolers and it was so not working. We looked up the law in our lease and told her under no uncertain terms if she broke the lease agreement again by bringing THAT many people in at once we'd report her.


2 weeks later the house was off the market and she no longer worked for the company we were renting through. We'd never reported her, but I suspect her ill ways weren't just happening towards us. When her superiors found out what she'd done to use they were beyond livid with her.


What I'd do?


I'd clean up, but no more then normal.

I'd make a long list of complaints.

I'd check the law.


Then I'd be sure my dh was home when said landlord arrived. I'd greet her with a smile and offer her a cup of coffee/tea. I'd invite her in to sit down and then I'd lamblast her as politely as possible.


I'd state a few things like:


1. point out anyways she may be breaking the law. Point out you are VERY aware of it and will no longer tollerate it. If she attempts to kick you out because of it you have the right to seek legal action and you certainly aren't afraid to do so.


2. If any of the ways she's breaking the law include fixing the home, I'd point that out and give her an estimated time frame (DO NOT BE LENIENT!) in which you expect/demand that they are completely fixed in. If she balks state that you will contact legal advice and not only fight that she fix them but also seek monitory sums for any problems you've had associated with things needing work.


3. If her coming into your home is also wrong I'd let her know you know and will no longer be tolerating it AT.ALL. Either way, I would NO LONGER permit her to come into your home with your dh present. When she's in the home I'd make sure someone is beside her at all times and giving her a running commentary. If she makes remarks like, "I see this is needing fixing.." agree adamantly and demand a time frame for it to be done in or at the very least say, "When will that be done." when she gives a date, WRITE IT DOWN in FRONT of her, and say, "I'll call you if it's not done. I'm sure you'd want it dealt with so I'll notify you, continually, if it's not done so you can stay on top of that.." ;) If she can be pushy so can you.


All that said.. above all know your rights! Don't allow her to push you around or abuse her rights. We've had some wicked "landlords" but generally have the ability to go through an agent to deal with them.


That said.. I had to point out that my oven not only scalded me on the EXTERIOR but it melted foil inside before they sent an electrician out.. I've still got a broken dishwasher, and the charming current landlord told me to oil my own window chains... I'm highly tempted to tell her to mow her own lawn and see how cross she gets when she notices the front garden is highly unkept. ;)

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