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Life of Fred or Teaching Textbooks Algebra

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OK, I've read everything I can find on this forum about LOF algebra and I checked out the website - polkadotpress.com - and am very impressed. The price is quite comfortable, too. I really want to order this for my daughter, BUT...


She did TT pre-algebra this year and loved it (at least compared to Saxon 1/2 which she absolutely and utterly detested - are there any stronger words for hate???). She wants me to order TT Algebra but, YIKES, the price!!


Anyway, she is a literary sort of gal - Jane Austen, Agatha Christie - and after I read the sample pages of LOF I couldn't help thinking she'd like this even more.


Any opinions on TT Algebra? Does this program make algebra relevant to real life? Does it aid the student to apply algebra to new problems?


Did I mention I like the price of LOF? Did I mention I do not like the price of TT?


Any direction would be appreciated.




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I know nothing about TT, so I can't speak to that at all.


But my ds13 is using LOF for his math spine. He loveloveloves these books so much, they are his choice of reading material when he's ill LOL. I went ahead and bought the entire series from Algebra through Calculus and Statistics because I know he will read and love them. Just yesterday, ds had a bad fall off his bike onto a curb and spent the day curled up with an ice pack and LOF Calculus. He told me he understood about 1/3 of the math and sort-of understood another 1/3 of it, and the last 1/3 was blowing his mind to smithereens LOL. But he was relaxing in his own special nerdy way :)


LOF uses nutty stories to set up situations where the characters need to use the math to advance the story. But don't let that fool you, the math is rigorous. Some people think there's not enough practice provided in LOF. I have heard that the Home Companion books have more practice sets, but I haven't yet used one, so that is hearsay from me. Also, we use NEM spliced in between the chapters of LOF, so ds is getting more practice there, as well as a different slant on the whole subject.


Hope this helps,


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I am also interested in learning about these two programs.




Have you posted at the high school boards?






Camy, I thought this was the high school board. Is there another board I am missing? Kathleen (who is NOT computer savvy in the least)

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My two siblings and I have all finished TT Algebra 1 and 2 and Geometry. My brother has since gone on to college and got the highest grade in his College Algebra Class. He says he thinks that the explanations and real life examples in TT really helped him in College Algebra. I recently took the ACT and scored a 30 in the math section. I really liked the program, my only misgiving being the fact that the Algebra 2 course pretty much repeats everything from Algebra 1 and adds a few more topics. Apparently, the Pre-Calculus program includes some of the things that are not taught in their Algebra 2 course. None of my siblings or I took Pre-Calculus, and we are all still living, but I think it would definitely be a good idea to take it. I almost think a student could skip Algebra 1 and go right into Algebra 2 since all the same topics are covered (just in a shorter number of lessons).

Another point, I personally only used the textbook in TT without the CDs and liked it a lot. That would bring the price down.

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I bought Life of Fred Algebra II and Geometry. I bought the Algebra II for my dd to review while she does geometry. I haven't had a chance to look at this as thoroughly as I would like but someone who loves to read would really enjoy this (like me!). I actually was sitting there reading it the other night while my husband watched tv. He couldn't believe I was laughing at a math text.


I am not as familiar with Teaching Textbooks. I had considered TT for geometry, but someone told me that the solutions are only on the cd's, and I really preferred a solution book. And, it was pricey!



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"I almost think a student could skip Algebra 1 and go right into Algebra 2 since all the same topics are covered (just in a shorter number of lessons)."


Christy, thanks for this info. I already own TT Alg. 2 because a friend gave it to me, but was going to go through Alg. 1 first. I think I'll have my daughter try Alg. 2 first and see if she can handle it. This solution has the best price tag.:001_smile:


Kathleen, who doesn't know how to quote only part of a message the correct way.


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We are going to use both actually!! I was very put off initially by all the bad talk about TT---but my kids LOVE it, never complain anymore and did very well in their testing this year:) Also---hearing Christy's testimony to how well it has served her and her brother reassures me even more. LOF is GREAT, hilarious and really gets you thinking mathematically! You can get through each level in a very short amount of time also. I just thought that LOF would be a fun addition to TT since there really is not all that much practice in the LOF books.

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My son took Teaching Textbook's Algebra 2 course. I did buy all of the CD's, and I made my ds review the solution guide CDs when he missed problems on his homework. He did TT Algebra 2 his junior year. He took a dual enrollment class his senior year in Intermediate Algebra and made an A in the class.


I liked the program because my ds learned Algebra 2 without me having to teach him. We had been banging heads when it came to math, so I was happy to go the TT route. Yes, there is an awful lot of review in this course, but the concepts stick when the course is finished.



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FWIW, my dd just completed LOF Beginning Algebra and I had her "cross check" by using the TT Algebra test that's online. She flew through it.


Our experience this year is that LOF explains things very well. Dd did get bogged down once--quadratic equations/formula. We pulled Jacobs off the shelf and she did a quadratic a day for two weeks for the extra practice. There's also a Saxon placement test online, but I think she's solid enough to move into Algebra II in any text after LOF, which we will continue with. This is the only Algebra dd has managed to actually complete with confidence (we tried Jacobs and ALEKS) and which was understandable to me, the original math anxiety poster child. (I got Jacobs, too, but feel LOF is so much better.)


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The boys are doing well, Linda. They just registered for classes at the local high school so they can play sports. I was thrilled to learn that they may not have to take core classes. That way I can still homeschool them in these subjects.


It sounds like you are busy!


If time permits, be sure to let me know when you guys are in our neck of the woods.




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Guest Katia

Well, I have one dd, 18yo, that is using LOF exclusively this year. She is graduating next weekend and has learned a LOT from these books. Her plan is to continue with LOF as far as she can go over the summer before she starts college.


My other dd, is finishing 10th grade this year. She has used TT Algebra 1 and 2 (in 8th and 9th grades), so this year she used TT Geometry. However, I wanted her to keep her algebra skills current, so she used LOF Advanced Algebra but didn't complete it.


Our plans with her are to use TT PreCalc/Trig in 11th grade along with finishing up the LOF Advanced Algebra. I think LOF is the better text, but her learning style clicks well with TT so we are using that per her request. We plan to alternate the use of these texts every-other-day and she will easily finish both by the year's end.


Along with this, in 11th grade, she will be using LOF Geometry to keep her geometry skills current and to learn whatever she may not grasped or been taught in TT.


After this, we plan to use LOF exclusively for her as well.

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My oldest niece teaches honors algebra and geometry at a public high school in an upper-crust suburb outside of Baltimore. I asked her to look at the samples of LOF. She thought it looked very good for a verbal student, but she said most of her students wouldn't be able to use it because they don't have sufficient reading skills. Many of her students have to take 1 period of regular English plus 1 period of remedial reading during one or more years of high school.


My nearly 12 yo dd is doing great with LOF after struggling with math for the past 2-3 years. Time will tell whether it's truly effective, but so far, I think LOF is one of the best homeschool purchases I've made. She was using TT before LOF, and she was doing fine with TT. But when I looked at LOF, I knew it was a perfect fit for her.

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"My oldest niece teaches honors algebra and geometry at a public high school in an upper-crust suburb outside of Baltimore. I asked her to look at the samples of LOF. She thought it looked very good for a verbal student, but she said most of her students wouldn't be able to use it because they don't have sufficient reading skills. "


That's pathetic. I scored LOF Percents on the Flesch and it clocks in at 3rd grade reading level.


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"My oldest niece teaches honors algebra and geometry at a public high school in an upper-crust suburb outside of Baltimore. I asked her to look at the samples of LOF. She thought it looked very good for a verbal student, but she said most of her students wouldn't be able to use it because they don't have sufficient reading skills. "


That's pathetic. I scored LOF Percents on the Flesch and it clocks in at 3rd grade reading level.



Our tax dollars at work. :glare:

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Has you daughter looked at samples of both? I had my DD do the online demos for both programs (as well as Saxon). I expected her to like LOF, since she is very literary and always writing stories and reading. However it did not appeal to her AT ALL!! On the other hand, she really liked the TT demo. She liked the explanations of theories in relation to real life use, and the way the books are laid out. She was actually excited about using them!!! Decision made.

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LOL, Kathleen. Can you see who is not computer savvy here? I didn't even notice that I was on the high school boards! Duh.









I've had similar brain glitches - no biggie :).


BTW, I visited your blog and found it entertaining and edifying.


I copied and pasted your yogurt recipe into a document in my recipe file. I've never tried to make yogurt, but I'm game - just have to gather a few supplies.


God bless,


Kathleen in VA


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have talked extensively to the authors of both programs, both are good instructors. Fred is a book that is good for kids who need real life applications, TT is more traditional in its approach. My son prefers TT. IF you want the Fred book I will sell it to you cheap! we won't be using it. My TT on the otherhand will be busy for a few years. Oh and about the price, TT is THE math program to have right now, if you are planning on selling it in the next year or two you will get most of your money back.



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I ordered TT Alg. 1 and it is scheduled to arrive today. Dd did not want to skip it even though I already own level 2. My ds11 is going to do TT5 (he's a little behind) so I figured he will eventually use it, too.


I keep having to remind my self that, although $185 sounds like a lot of money, it really is a bargain compared to sending my child to private school.


Thanks everyone.

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