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Year Round Schooling Calendar 2011/2012

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We school year round with our school calendar starting in August, usually the 3rd week. We live in the hot desert so we don't take summer off at all. We do take 2 weeks in August for me to work on schedules and get the school year started.

This may not help you much because you want to do 3 on 1 off. But, we take the bulk of our time off in December. We break from Thanksgiving through New Years. We started taking most of time off then because the kid's can spend lots of time outside. We're stressed with the holidays anyway, plus there's more fun stuff to do that time of year. And, now, I ebay for the holidays so I can work without worrying about school.

Then, we take one week off in February and another May for my boys' birthdays. They get the entire week off. We're on break now.

The reason we don't do 3 on 1 off is because it would start looking like 1 on and 3 off. LOL We have a hard time getting back into the swing of things after a break.

Oh, and we do a 42 week school year (if you were trying to add up the breaks!).


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We don't have a set calendar or start date, but at some point in the summer I'll remind them they're in the next grade (only matters for Sunday school at this point). We usually work about 6-8 weeks, then take one off when I start feeling burned out. Around holidays or events, we'll take off more than one, but this summer when we'll be traveling for almost a month I'll at least bring some math & reading so they don't forget everything.

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We school 6 days a week, and have a 6 week on, 2 week off rotation. (Not counting holidays.) I use the two weeks off to completely prep for the next 6 weeks as well as complete any big projects around the house that would side track instruction. It also gives us enough time that if we miss a few days we can make it up and still have time off. Our schedule looks like this:


Sept. 5- Oct. 15- first session

***Oct. 17- Oct. 29- break***

Oct. 31- Nov. 19- second session

***Nov. 21- Nov. 26- break***

Nov.28- Dec. 17- second session

***Dec. 19- Jan. 7- break and holidays***

Jan. 9- Feb. 18- third session

***Feb. 20- Mar. 3- break***

Mar.5- Apr. 14- fourth session

***Apr. 16- Apr. 28- break***

Apr. 30- Jun. 9- fifth session

***Jun. 11- Jun. 23- break***

Jun. 25- Jul. 21- sixth session

***Jul. 23- Aug. 4- family holiday***

Aug. 6- Aug. 18- sixth session

***Aug. 20- Sept. 1- break***

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Would anyone mind sharing their year round schooling calendar with me? I am thinking on doing 3 weeks on 1 week off. Thanks so much! What month do you usually start and end? Thanks



This is what we wanted to do also. We are planning to start this July. If the kids are where they are supposed to be, we will take off from Thanksgiving to New Year and the month of June. This only gives us 30 planned weeks, but there are other days that I would count as school days that we won't do official "school work". I also think that if we do a years worth of school work in that time (that's the current plan) it doesn't matter how many weeks it actually takes.

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Starting a year round schedule this coming school year, took all of last summer off and it was way too much time.


Start - July 10

Break 1- October 10 - 14 - DD's birthday week

Break 2 - October 31 - November 4 - Halloween Week

Break 3 - November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Week

Break 4 - December 19 - January 6 - Christmas and DS's birthday week

Break 5 - February 13 - March 9 - Mardi Gras and Vacation

End June 8th

Summer break - June 11 - July 6


This gives us 37 weeks and around 185 days (we only need 180 for the state)

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My idea of year round schooling is that we never have a start or ending date. We take vacations when we want because we are not on any type of schedule. When the kids finished one class, they move on to the next level. We've always done it that way.

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