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I know why Americans are "fat", "obese".....

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My a/c has been broken for weeks now. Not so bad when it was cooler, but it has been hot the last few days. So hot, no one here wants to eat. Okay, maybe ice chips, but that is about the extent of it. If it keeps going like this, I might loose 50lbs. by the end of the week through sweat and starvation!! Whoot!! :tongue_smilie:

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Sorry. I have lots of experience w/ this. :glare: Lack of a/c results in many things, weight loss is not one of them. Hallucinations, maybe, & *that* could make the scale/full length mirror start to look good, but that's as close as you're likely to come. So don't bother turning the a/c off.


Think iced tea, lemonade, ice cream, sno cones, etc. Cold things...*very* cold things...almost always have sugar added. Then think hibernating until the temp drops to double digits (no exercise). Then remember that homicide leads to prison food, which is run by the same people running ps food.


Nope, I only see weight gain for those w/out a/c.

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Yes, but... even in the heat, I will eventually get hungry. And I'm likely to eat a steady diet of popsicles. And I'm not moving when I feel like this. It's down to 76 degrees outside right now (it was in the 80s today), and still 85 in my house. I won't sleep with this kind of heat. So... odds are looking good for weight gain in overheated me.

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Then remember that homicide leads to prison food, which is run by the same people running ps food.




KristinaBreece, Aubrey, and gingersmom, you all are dashing my dreams and the only bright side of being without a/c. Give a girl a break!! :tongue_smilie:

Edited by lmkzbcb
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