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SAT results ==> need punctuation help

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It might seem like a funny mix because they seem like opposites in how they approach material but my daughter and I find Jensen's Punctuation is a good pairing with MCT grammar - at least the Voyage level.


It's dry and repetitive but the sentences come from literature and it's a good challenge at times.

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My DD used Evan-Moor Daily Paragraph Editing this year and I saw a huge improvement in her standardized test scores for mechanics. She took a different test (the EXPLORE rather than the ITBS) so the scores are not directly comparable, but the tested skills were similar enough that I'm confident there was major progress.

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It might seem like a funny mix because they seem like opposites in how they approach material but my daughter and I find Jensen's Punctuation is a good pairing with MCT grammar - at least the Voyage level.


It's dry and repetitive but the sentences come from literature and it's a good challenge at times.


Jensens has been very effective here. We use R&S and some of my dc haven't needed Jensens, but for the ones who needed it we were very pleased with the results. When they finish that book, they have punctuation down pat. In addition, my dc have enjoyed the passages.

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Thanks for the suggestions. We'll be taking the CAT5 test next week and I was just was just looking at the test and I have a feeling he's going to struggle with the punctuation questions. It's always been his weakest area in grammar and no matter how many times I try to offer him hints to remember different things, he doesn't.


He hasn't even taken it yet but I was already thinking "hmm, what can I use to supplement Growing w/ Grammar for punctuation?" Maybe he'll surprise me though ;)

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Jensens has been very effective here. We use R&S and some of my dc haven't needed Jensens, but for the ones who needed it we were very pleased with the results. When they finish that book, they have punctuation down pat. In addition, my dc have enjoyed the passages.


It's the enjoyment part that amazes me. Jensen's look so boring to me but my daughter does it without complaint. Maybe it's because it's different from so much of what we do where I tend to use more "engaging" material?


But you're right about learning the material. Catherine comes out the other end of some lesson with a very solid grasp of what she was supposed to learn. I used to be such an unschooler but Jensen's above all is showing me the virtues and even fun to be had with rigourous, "boring" programs. :)


She has had difficulty with Jensen's Vocab but I've given it a rest for this year and we'll likely pick it up again in the fall.

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