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Now that my migraine is gone....

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TY for answering my pain killer question, now I have another.


I get migraines. A couple a year, maybe 3. They usually happen around cycle time. Usually a week or so before (like today *sigh*).


What kind of Dr. would I see for this? A Gyn since it is around cycle time? General?


I want to get it taken care of. I used what I had on hand (the pain meds were left from my kidney stone, if I didn't use that I won't tell you how many Advil I would have had to take to get rid of it.) but that won't last forever. I want something that I can get refilled if need be.



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I also have cyclical migraines and saw my General doctor for pain meds. She gave me generic Imatrex and it has changed my life. I used to spend days curled up in a dark room during a migraine, now when I feel one coming I take a single Imatrex and I feel "mostly" normal. At least I can function.

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I get migraines. A couple a year, maybe 3. They usually happen around cycle time. Usually a week or so before (like today *sigh*).


What kind of Dr. would I see for this? A Gyn since it is around cycle time? General?





I've suffered from migraines related to my cycle for at least 8 or 9 years now (had sporadic migraines before then). Mine are every month. I went to a neurologist who specializes in migraines - I didn't want to go to a regular dr just because I wanted someone who really understood the physiology behind them and knew the best options.

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Before I got my migraine diagnosis years ago, I had to see a neurologist to have an EEG to rule out other brain abnormalities. I don't know if this is still the "gold standard" or if a doc will prescribe a med without the testing. I would start with your GP. Imitrex (50 mg, not 25) has been the best fit for mine. I have tried several different prescription meds.

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I also have cyclical migraines and saw my General doctor for pain meds. She gave me generic Imatrex and it has changed my life. I used to spend days curled up in a dark room during a migraine, now when I feel one coming I take a single Imatrex and I feel "mostly" normal. At least I can function.


This is exactly my experience as well. 'Cept I was on Imitrex before it went generic; it was painful to spend $50 (my brand name rx co-pay) for 9 pills; but not as painful as a migraine. :)

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