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Favorite Learning DVDs/edutainment?

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I know edutainment is looked down upon by many. I would think the same thing if it had not been for a Talking frog teaching my son basic phonics at 3 years old! Yes, I am a HUGE fan of Leapfrog's Letter Factory, Word Factory etc.


So what is your favorite learning DVD? Is it as good as "the frog":)? Any other edutainment (apps, computer games, CDs etc.) that taught your child well/support to what you are already teaching them? Do YOU love it? Feel free to elaborate.


I love reading to my child. I love teaching him. I just know he enjoys edutainment :tongue_smilie:

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Our talking frog "broke" ;), so I've been going over letter sounds with DS (3 in July). I know people say it's easier to use the frog, but I was about to throw the blasted thing out the window. What has really helped the letter sounds sink in is watching Word World on Netflix and PBS. He loves the humor, it's not too annoying for me to watch, and I can get lunch and dinner fixed without the kids standing on my feet. He's watched a little bit of the LeapFrog videos, but it didn't hold his interest very well. He may move on to that when he gets tired of Word World.


He spelled and sounded out his first word this morning, "bag", using foam bathtub letters. It's possible that he just memorized it from the show, but he did make an effort to sound the "b" and "a" first.


We have the Thomas "Misty Island Rescue" computer game. It's on our desktop, but he can't quite figure out how to use a regular mouse. He usually watches me play and helps with the games. He's really good with touch screens and a touch pad, so we might spring for an iPad at some point. If he could play Angry Birds on an iPad, he'd be in heaven.

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I think Edutainment is getting better...and even better truly educational games are coming.


My boys loved Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo and Reader Rabbit.


I'm looking forward to Quest Atlantis developing to the point they can offer it to homeschoolers. http://atlantis.crlt.indiana.edu/ It's a 3D world that offers several educational quests. Kids learn in a natural, project-based kind of way. If you email them and ask for a Guest Log-in you can check out 4 of the quests...but they aren't offering more then that to homeschoolers right now.

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