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To-Do List accountability... anyone in??

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I have lots to do... and I'm also taking care of my 6 mo. granddaughter... I really hope I can pull off several things...


1. Drive to pick up son's prescription, go to pharmacy fill it... (that'll take a good chunk of time... ) Done!


2. Pick up school registration forms (I homeschooled 15 years and LOVE that, but my sons are in ps now and are changing schools... paperwork... ) Done!


3. Purchase paper for son's science projectfound what I needed here at home!


4. Plant the flowers that mil gave me two days ago... done!!! Got one son to help me...


5. Solve the mystery of the missing load of laundry... where are all dh's jeans?? (This is really stressing dh out... I have NO idea where his jeans are... about 3 pair... he insists he'll have to go buy new ones... where are they?? How could they just go missing? This is insane... ) (2 found...1 missing)


6. Load donations into back of car for delivery and take them away!!!


7. Clean desk... oh, I have piles of papers....



What do you need to get done today?

Edited by BMW
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1. Get school done.


2. Find DS's skull cap for hockey.


3. Fold the overflowing basket of kids' laundry in order to find said skull cap.


4. Work on the drama badge rewrite for Spiral Scouts (I'm on the badge committee, I've let this one slide, and it's due soon).


5. Remember to take the cake out of the fridge and bring it w/me to DD's dance class party today.


6. Remember to make dinner plans w/the dance moms today because many of us are going to be stuck at the studio Friday from 4-8 or so for pictures.


7. Work on clicker-training the puppy.


8. Try to do at least a little bit of cleaning because my house looks like a dump right now.

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I have lots to do... and I'm also taking care of my 6 mo. granddaughter... I really hope I can pull off several things...


1. Drive to pick up son's prescription, go to pharmacy fill it... (that'll take a good chunk of time... )


2. Pick up school registration forms (I homeschooled 15 years and LOVE that, but my sons are in ps now and are changing schools... paperwork... )


3. Purchase paper for son's science project


4. Plant the flowers that mil gave me two days ago...


5. Solve the mystery of the missing load of laundry... where are all dh's jeans?? (This is really stressing dh out... I have NO idea where his jeans are... about 3 pair... he insists he'll have to go buy new ones... where are they?? How could they just go missing? This is insane... )


6. Load donations into back of car for delivery and take them away!!!


7. Clean desk... oh, I have piles of papers....



What do you need to get done today?


May I suggest you complete 5 BEFORE 6? :lol:




I'll play!



  1. Clean the kitchen

  2. Read aloud to my kids and make sure they are dressed and bedrooms are cleaned

  3. Wash a few loads of towels and make sure they get folded and put away

  4. Write a paper for my history class

  5. Get dressed myself!


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Today is already feeling like a lazy day since it is almost 10 and all my son has done is his reading (not because he isn't motivated but because I'm not).


1. Start school...

2. Take overdue books to library and pick up holds that expire today

3. Fill out and mail in basketball camp forms for my kids (have had them sitting here since March...)

4. Clean out fridge

5. Plan dinner and take out whatever is necessary

6. Wash kids baseball uniforms

7. Do a load of whites

8. Steam mop hardwood floors since homeschool group is coming tomorrow and I will be mortified if kids go home with filthy socks

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Ok... so, it's not on my list above, but I have got myself up and moving...


I have showered, dressed and fixed my hair.... and had a cup of coffee...


I found 2 of dh's jeans... one still missing... and started a load of laundry...


Now I will eat, then take kids to school, then work on the desk piles while giving baby a bottle and burping her... hopefully baby likes sorting papers with grandma!


oooh, Terrie, I have to add clean out the fridge to my list, too!

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Any mid-day updates??


I marked a couple of mine as "done"... Baby is having another bottle and then I hope to make an important phone call... then either work with plants or piles of papers... not sure yet...


When I pick up boys, I'll buy paper...

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I have a lot to do today, and chiming in late. My aunt is visiting from out of town tomorrow.


  • List stroller for sale with photos on local mom's list - DONE
  • Email DH to see how he's doing in Mexico - DONE
  • Make hummingbird water and place outside (hummingbirds hit the mountains *today*) - DONE
  • Complete first 2 hours of homeschooling - DONE
  • Walk dog
  • CLEAN main floor of house
  • Work out for 40 min while watching educational Netflix
  • CLEAN top floor of house
  • CLEAN and organize garage
  • CLEAN basement
  • Stay off WTM so I can get everything done?

Edited by Satori
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OOOOOHHHH! Just what I needed today.


Set up new cell phones


Have brother call and make sure we were added to his plan correctly.


Return books to library


Go to post office


menu plan and print out list


Go to Costco


Go to Walmart


Make dinner


Pick hubby up from work


Load of dishes


Fold laundry


Clean living room and vacuum


Help hubby write his business plan

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7pm update... I colored my accomplishments in my original list...


I did not get to piles of papers on my desk...


I did not load donations into the vehicle... dh has borrowed it this evening... so that'll have to wait...


I did get two large loads of laundry done, in addition to my list...

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