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Teachers Bistro 5-9-2011

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Happy Monday!


What's for lunch? Here: chips -n- cheese with a side of cherry tomatoes.


How was Mother's Day? Me: my present starts this Friday - I'm going out of town for EIGHT days! DH gets his first taste of homeschooling while working from home.:001_smile:


Doing any shopping this week? Here: more curricula shopping, maybe even some buying! ;) Also need to buy various clothes and sundries for the kids.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hiya, Scrap!


lunch - 1/2 of a salmon sandwich (they called it a burger but since it is an actual salmon fillet, it doesn't seem burgerish to me) leftover from yesterday.


Mother's Day - It was very nice. My dd (who is an aspiring Martha Stewart but much cuter) put together an entire Mother's Day evening for me. It started with salad, spaghetti and garlic bread that she made with dh's help (he gets to help her bring her plans to fruition on Mother's day. I'm stuck with the job all the other days.) We had store bought angel food cake, berries and chocolate Moosetracks ice cream for dessert. Then she did a Mother's Day dance for me to Simon and Garfunkel's "The Sound of Silence". Then we had a family walk. At the end of the walk, ds ran ahead to get a nice hot cup of tea ready for me. We all enjoyed watching an episode of "Get Smart" together. It was a lovely evening.:)


Shopping - I need vinegar at the store;)

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that's about all I am able to muster, still cooling down from the worst field trip/excursion with children ever. For us anyway.


My 2 yr old started out his normal semi-whiny self this morning. But by the time we got to our destination, he was off the hook. One thing after another set him off. And he's one of those strong-willed kids..that ya can't do anything about his behavior but ride it out then try to pick up the pieces. Redirecting or scolding in the moment do not change a thing, except maybe make him louder. ugh.


Meanwhile the 11 and 9 yr olds decide to act out. I'd gone around with the 14 yr old before we even left the house.






But anyway.....


Mother's Day was good. Church, lunch there, home to relax a bit then out for Cold Stone!


Shopping: um, I've been left hanging on that..hubs wants me to give him a couple more weeks to get a couple big stressful jobs done then I should be able to start ordering some stuff. hmmm where will I start?


Lunch? oh, that, um, missed it

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Lunch - I haven't had that yet, but I did eat some cheese, and I started some beef for a beef and gravy for dinner.


Mother's Day was terrific. Hubby and I planted a cherry tree and a plum tree. While we were working, he commented that homeschoolingis really hard and he doesn't know how I do it. :) He'd volunteered to teach science to the youngest, and has completed one lesson so far. That was by far the nicest thing he's said about homeschooling.


Shopping? Yikes. I didn't go grocery shopping this weekend, so I have to do that. Other than that, I avoid shopping as much as possible.

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Lunch: We had leftover steel cut oats from breakfast with broccoli and carrots and the boys also had a banana.


Mother's Day was nice. I got to sleep in. :D And I went with Hubby to pick out a set of cannisters for my present. It may not seem like that special of a present, but I've been wanting some for awhile so I had a place to put my steel cut oats, granola, couscous, etc. For some reason, the bags from Good Earth aren't all that pleasant:tongue_smilie:


Shopping: Just gotta do a meal plan and go get groceries.

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We ate Mexican: cheese dip, salsa, and chips; cheese enchiladas....


I wish I was traveling! Have fun! Yes, my boys gave me gifts and spent time with me. We had lunch together....


Shopping? I just had to go get a new phone because mine broke. I don't think I'm going to like it.... I've been trying to buy new towels for some time but all the towels in stores now are made in some new, weird way that causes them to start to ravel out immediately. If you can do the pinch test with two fingernals, pulling at a thread gently, and if it starts to unravel like a berber carpet, then the towels are not going to hold up.


What am I going to do? I really need new towels and I can't find any in a store now that don't do this. I thought maybe I was crazy but went home and tried all the towels I already own and none of them do this. I actually even bought towels - twice! - and had to return them both times. The first ones were not 100% cotton (as the label claimed). They snap, crackle, popped like crazy when I took them out of the dryer. Yikes! The second set was cotton, but when I took them out of the dryer they were unraveling like crazy, which is when I discovered that this is the way all towels in stores seem to now be made....


I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to have to pull my old rag towels back out of the garage and start using them again!

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Lunch: Spaghetti O's with meatballs


Mother's Day: Typical Sunday for us... but I also snuck in a nap


Shopping: Just ordered TT Alg1 books from someone on here. Otherwise, purchasing for anything other than necessities of food and shelter is put off until dh gets paid again... in a month. :glare:

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Thanks for sharing, everyone! We're doing well in the grocery dept right now as I hit Market on the Move yesterday and the Food Bank today. Market on the Move is supposed to be $10 for 60 lbs of groceries. All I had on me yesterday was about $7.00 so they took that! And the "box" from the food bank was $15 but easily worth $45-60 depending on where you shop! I thanked the Good Lord for the blessing of the food today, let me tell ya!


Have a great day, all!

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