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Summer read aloud suggestions?


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What classics would the hive suggest to be read aloud to rising 3rd and 5th graders, with a rising kindy/1st grade tagalong? I was planning on starting the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but my summer suddenly got busier so I need to aim a bit lower in my expectations.;)

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What classics would the hive suggest to be read aloud to rising 3rd and 5th graders, with a rising kindy/1st grade tagalong? I was planning on starting the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but my summer suddenly got busier so I need to aim a bit lower in my expectations.;)


My 6 yo -14 yo dc are enjoying The Hobbit immensely.

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What classics would the hive suggest to be read aloud to rising 3rd and 5th graders, with a rising kindy/1st grade tagalong? I was planning on starting the Lord of the Rings trilogy, but my summer suddenly got busier so I need to aim a bit lower in my expectations.;)


Thanks for asking, I was wondering this myself!

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Have you read the CS Lewis books?


No, and I am considering those. :001_smile:


Wrinkle in Time? If you have more time you could add the sequels.


Loved this one in my own childhood. I'll bet the kids would love it, too.


My 6 yo -14 yo dc are enjoying The Hobbit immensely.


Maybe I should consider this again...

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We're working through the Ambleside Online lists this summer for read alouds. We have 2 "sessions," more or less, a day. One with everyone (including my littles, we're reading The Wind in the Willows at the moment), and one with just my older two (we're reading Anne of Green Gables). In the evenings, my husband's reading Sherlock Holmes with them, but that's because they're suddenly fascinated by mysteries for some reason. I'm also letting them pick from the same list any of their free reading, or they may read books that they request and I buy (right now, they're wanting Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, and I might add Encyclopedia Brown and Trixie Belden in there, too).

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We're working through the Ambleside Online lists this summer for read alouds. We have 2 "sessions," more or less, a day. One with everyone (including my littles, we're reading The Wind in the Willows at the moment), and one with just my older two (we're reading Anne of Green Gables). In the evenings, my husband's reading Sherlock Holmes with them, but that's because they're suddenly fascinated by mysteries for some reason. I'm also letting them pick from the same list any of their free reading, or they may read books that they request and I buy (right now, they're wanting Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, and I might add Encyclopedia Brown and Trixie Belden in there, too).


Thank you for the AO suggestion...I will check out their list. I like lists.:D

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I have a rising 3rd and rising 6th grader. I'm thinking of doing the Wrinkle in Time series first because it's shorter, then jump into The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, which I don't think we would finish in summer. But maybe I'm wrong! So many books, so little time...

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We're reading Treasure Island right now and the kids are enjoying it immensely.


We are reading this too. Actually, I picked it up for a 'read aloud', but my son grabbed it and started using it for his independent reading. He keeps telling me how 'awesome!' it is. :lol:

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