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Not what I wanted to hear - snake related

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DS4 is fishing on our other 30 acres. DS3 went to fetch him home. DS3 just ran into the house shouting he's taking his .22 (a gun - I'm not gun savvy) because brother had pinned a 5 ft water moccasin with an arrow. He was "bow" fishing and prefers NOT to encounter water moccasins.


Sigh! This is why my hair is turning gray. Glad they are both Boy Scouts and have proved themselves with the guns. We'll see how their "snake smarts" play out.


Somehow "Be Careful!" just doesn't sound forceful enough :tongue_smilie:

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You seriously must update this post.



A pinned WM sounds like a pissed WM! I wouldn't have wanted to be within arrows range of that thing! Better to get it off your property, but eeeks, those are nasty snakes.

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Successful kill. The carcass has been brought home for me to view :tongue_smilie: It is more like 3 feet long - the 5 feet must have been the adrenaline speaking. He has some mighty fine bow skills! He nailed it just behind the neck. The snake was in about 2 feet deep water among brush/limbs near where he was fishing. DS3 finished it off with a shot to the head. The head was then severed from body with the machete that DS4 "always has nearby".


Is it any wonder I'm not worried about Dh leaving town and I'm staying "alone"? My oldest son remarked recently that he would feel sorry for any intruder once the 2 youngest got done with him (the intruder).:D

Edited by CynthiaOK
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