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Dog chewing and needing help

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My pup just turned one. He is quite a chewer. Mostly my youngest son's shoes. Though he has chewed my other son's shoes as well, it is generally my youngests that he goes for first.


I just bought the kids new sandals and sneakers because he destroyed what they had - as well as a pair of snow boots, a pair of rubber boots and another pair of sneakers.


He has lots of toys, I regularly stick a big dental bone thing in his kong and he has these stick chews. Unfortunately none are extremely long lasting. The dental bone will give him about 1/2 hour.


Pig's feet and ears just seem SO gross to me. But will that give him hours of chewing? I did buy this big pork bone but he actually ate the whole bone (and then proceeded to vomit it all up the next day:tongue_smilie: )


What can I give him that is healthy but good for chewing. And should I try spraying Bitter Apple or something else on my kids' shoes? This time it was my fault for leaving the closet door open, but sheesh!!


Oh, and when does this stage stop????

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more exercise is what I would recommend. A tired dog is a happy dog!


With that said Nylabones are great for durability. Kongs are also good toys for chewing and keeping occupied minds going as they can be filled with treats.


Is your dog crate trained so when no one is able to watch him he does not get into anything?


Also, do your children have a safe place to put their shoes away? Keeping on them to ensure that they are away and safe is also safe for the dog as you will not want the dog to eat something and become obstructed. An exploratory surgery could easily cost you $1000.00 quickly plus the pain of your dog being sick.


If he is not crate trained then I would recommend when he is loose in the house he is tethered to someone at all times. The moment he starts to chew something you do not want him to give him a proper chew toy and when/if he takes that praise him a lot!

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Yup, Crate Training, Leash with you (yup, around house) exercise. As far as toys, antlers are wonderful!! So is raw meat... with bones (check into the proper ones....and absolutely no cooked) I think that raw feeding... actually helps to naturally diminish their need to "chew" on other things.(And is less expensive than quality food) Bully sticks... are great... Some of these can be ordered bulk... and much better than shoes being chewed up..



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Yup, Crate Training, Leash with you (yup, around house) exercise. As far as toys, antlers are wonderful!! So is raw meat... with bones (check into the proper ones....and absolutely no cooked) I think that raw feeding... actually helps to naturally diminish their need to "chew" on other things.(And is less expensive than quality food) Bully sticks... are great... Some of these can be ordered bulk... and much better than shoes being chewed up..




forgot about the antlers. def. second these!

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more exercise is what I would recommend. A tired dog is a happy dog!


With that said Nylabones are great for durability. Kongs are also good toys for chewing and keeping occupied minds going as they can be filled with treats.


Is your dog crate trained so when no one is able to watch him he does not get into anything?


Also, do your children have a safe place to put their shoes away? Keeping on them to ensure that they are away and safe is also safe for the dog as you will not want the dog to eat something and become obstructed. An exploratory surgery could easily cost you $1000.00 quickly plus the pain of your dog being sick.


If he is not crate trained then I would recommend when he is loose in the house he is tethered to someone at all times. The moment he starts to chew something you do not want him to give him a proper chew toy and when/if he takes that praise him a lot!


:iagree: A crate is a great asset to loving your dog!!

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Thanks :)


He does use a crate when we are out. During the day if I need him out of our way, or his paws are wet and he needs to dry off I tether him to the door knob in the mudroom. I put an extension on it and that is why he was able to reach into the open closet door to get the shoe.


Exercise is a problem right now. He can't run and play in our yard because we are still working on recall. He is SO overly fascinated by our chickens that he won't pay attention to me outside. I can whisper come inside the house and he comes flying, but outside - forget it!


With two young boys and no sidewalks near our home getting enough exercise right now is a challenge.


And antlers????? Never heard of this before and where exactly would one find a set :)

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We are going through this right now with our pups. They have possession of the laundry/mud room when inside and love ALL shoes. We have all had to get into the habit of putting our shoes away where they can't reach.


And, yep - if I tether them somewhere, they get bored and eat anything they can reach. Including the tether :tongue_smilie: The crate actually works better, IMO.


Pig ears are good, but don't give them on the carpet. I find I have to swap the chewing objects a couple times a day. They love when I open the cabinet and swap chew toys. Antlers are excellent and last longer.


BTW - chewing phase lasts up to 2 years easily and some dogs ALWAYS will need something to keep them busy when bored. Our former lab-mix have to always have a rawhide bone when she was in the house or she would chew on the chair legs....

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