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Another thread on acne issues

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I am way to old to still be dealing with acne and such, but here I am doing it.

I have tired ProActive and that reduces my pimples by about 1/2 or 2/3, but then it also dries out my checks if I do all 3 steps. Then if I dont do all 3 steps, my T zone breaks out worse. I have tried only applying all 3 to the Tzone, but that doesnt seem to work well either, as my hair and jaw line break out. It is quite embarrassing to still be having this problem at my age.


Sometimes a product will work for the first few weeks and then it is like my skin adjusts and comes back with a vengence.


I tried neutrogena bar years ago and that didnt help at all. Have tried Phisoderm, that was a joke.


I def do not want to do topical or oral antibiotics.


I very rarely eat anything with sugar. I do use honey. Could that be a culprit?


Is there a way to tell if my skin issues have more to do with allergies than with my face wash without going to an immunologist first? In otherwords, could I do a self evaluation and then based on the results make an appointment if needed. Rather not pay a doc to only find out that I need to go to a different kind of specialist.


Where would I go for skin help without going to a dermatologist who will more than likely want me to support the pharmaceutical business?



The vast majority of acne in adult women over 35 is hormonal. Topical applications will treat the pimples you get, but they won't do buppkiss to prevent it from coming back every. single. month.


Birth control pills -- especially OrthoTriCyclen or Yaz are used for acne treatment. It takes a few months to clear it all out, but it works and you don't get recurrence. You might get a couple of pimples on your off week, but you won't keep getting those horrid breakouts.

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I suffered from more severe acne as a 35 year old woman than I ever did as a teenager! It was so extremely frustrating.


After trying many different OTC things (ProActive, Nutrigena, and several others) I bought the entire Clinique skin care line. All three steps. It took about 2 months, but my face is now pretty clear. I do still have a few flare-ups before my period, but they are usually gone pretty quickly.


I do have to be very faithful about washing my face twice a day. When I miss a morning of washing my face, I will have a break out by that night. So, for me, it is very important to remain vigilant and wash my face often.


Ditto with all of this. Clinique oily skin soap and toner takes care of most of it for me. I use the toner (actually my homemade version now) a number of times a day to control the oil.


My daughter has just started breaking out and after trying a few things Clean & Clear foaming wash has seemed to take care of her problem for now without drying her out.


My oldest did need a few months of antibiotics to straighten things out-nothing else was helping.

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OK ladies, I saw this thread was still going and had to say, I am going back to my dermatologist for a low dose antibiotic. I have a sinus infection and whatever they have me on has given me baby-butt skin on my face, chest and back. I'm in love. :001_wub:


Just had to second everyone that said get a low-dose antibiotic.




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I should add that I found one way to help the acne on my chest. Before going to bed, I put some coconut oil on it, and then sprinkle some baking soda (sticks to the oil). Not bad. I'm guessing it kills germs.


What I really need is some Metformin (for my pcos) or good old Demulen (birth control pill that I can no longer take due to blood clotting issue). Looooved demulen... lost weight on it too ;)

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