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HELP!!! Religious question


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I was explaining to the kids this morning about Osama bin Laden, and about how blessed we are to have amazing soldiers who are willing to die for us even though they don't even know us. "They are just like Jesus, Momma!" I didn't quite know how to respond to that one. I avoided it, but need to explain later. But I still don't know what to say. Thoughts?

Edited by MeganW
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I was explaining to the kids this morning about Obama, and about how blessed we are to have amazing soldiers who are willing to die for us even though they don't even know us. "They are just like Jesus, Momma!" I didn't quite know how to respond to that one. I avoided it, but need to explain later. But I still don't know what to say. Thoughts?


Here's what I'd do so take it FWIW:


First, I'd explain that Jesus does know each and every one of us.


Then, I would acknowledge the similarities of the soldiers with Jesus and how grateful we are to them. If needed, I would explain the the soldiers are just regular people, not God (but he probably didn't mean that they were like Jesus in that way).

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I'd say yes, like Jesus! Jesus asks us to be like him. Feed the hungry, comfort the afflicted, forgive those who sin against us, lay down our lives for others. When we do those things, we are being like Jesus.


Similarly, when your child imitates you, she is being like you. She is not you; you are you, and she is herself. But she is being like you.

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I'd say yes, like Jesus! Jesus asks us to be like him. Feed the hungry, comfort the afflicted, forgive those who sin against us, lay down our lives for others. When we do those things, we are being like Jesus.


Similarly, when your child imitates you, she is being like you. She is not you; you are you, and she is herself. But she is being like you.


That's a great explanation!

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I agree with Taira that I would see this as an opportunity to do a little compare/contrast and discuss both similarities and differences.


The soldiers are like Jesus in that they are willing to lay down their lives so that others may live.


They are different from Jesus in that Jesus not only provided safety from physical death (because He made it so we can be resurrected) but also provided spiritual safety both by atoning for our sins, and by teaching us how to do good and avoid sin. Also, Jesus is an actual God, and the Only Begotten Son of the Father, and the soldiers are just regular people. Also, Jesus knows each of us and loves us dearly.


So there are some differences, but yes, there is at least one similarity in that they are willing to lay down their lives to save others, and that is a noble, Christ-like characteristic.


I do not think Jesus would be offended by the comparison. Rather, I think that He intends us to become as much "like Jesus" as we can, and that he will help us to do so. In fact, the Bible says:


1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.



And also:


John 13:15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.



21For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:[/QUOTE]


I'd probably point these verses out and encourage my kids to watch for other ways in which those around them are being like Jesus, and to think of ways they can become more like Him themselves.

Edited by MamaSheep
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I'd say yes, like Jesus! Jesus asks us to be like him. Feed the hungry, comfort the afflicted, forgive those who sin against us, lay down our lives for others. When we do those things, we are being like Jesus.


Similarly, when your child imitates you, she is being like you. She is not you; you are you, and she is herself. But she is being like you.



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Thank you all SO much! I'm a newer Christian, and while I have the basics down, these kinds of things (especially when sprung on me pre- morning caffeine!) throw me for a loop. I'm so afraid of messing up when trying to lead my children toward God. Your answers were SO helpful - I'm printing them out!!!

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"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."

John 15:13



That was exactly my thought. Obviously no one is perfect like Jesus and exhibits his characteristics all of the time. But it's good to point out when they do.

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