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Bravewriter keeps calling my name .. Homeschool Buyers Co-op extended through May!

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I let May sneak up on me and was not prepared for how upset I was this morning when I realized that it was May 1st and I had missed the deadline. I keep ruminating about which Arrow's or Boomerang's to get, and end up not getting anything! Looks like I have one more month to decide now! :001_smile:

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Well I do follow her blog on my google reader, is that what you are talking about? I will have to go check. I have read about the 'lifestyle' a bit with the tea time, free write Fridays. We are about to finish up our WT1 so we are going to be starting The Writer's Jungle all summer long on an easy pace. Frankly, I need to relax a bit with our schedule and I thought this might just do it.

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Well I do follow her blog on my google reader, is that what you are talking about? I will have to go check. I have read about the 'lifestyle' a bit with the tea time, free write Fridays. We are about to finish up our WT1 so we are going to be starting The Writer's Jungle all summer long on an easy pace. Frankly, I need to relax a bit with our schedule and I thought this might just do it.


Try to read The Writer's Jungle all the way through before you start doing it if you can. I re-read it each summer.


It's totally worth it, imo!


No kidding, Shannon! I didn't love paying for the year-long subscription for The Boomerang, but what I learned was worth it and the deal at the Co-op makes the price more palatable. I also figured that I could pay what I did for the Boomerang because Julie also gives away a lot of great ideas on her blog and for the Brave Writer Lifestyle. She's no slouch in answering questions quickly too.

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It is the first writing "curriculum" that I feel mirrors my own style of teaching writing.


Every year when I would go to the AP conferences (when I was teaching), I would hear the ideas and think, "Yeah, I like that, I can use that." I have felt the same way reading TWJ. It strikes me as a very natural approach to writing. I absolutely LOVE what she has to say about learning to be an observer. I think part of the reason writing comes easily for me is that I learned through my theatre training to observe EVERYTHING! It just really makes sense to me! I know that if I teach my kiddos to do the same, then writing will come easily for them as well.

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I already have my Jabberwocky Poem printed! ;-) I am madly reading it with the kids do school at the table. I figure it's my time to learn right along with them. They also enjoyed a few writingfix.org lessons I did last summer with them. I think it was "Meanwhile" - a book and lesson about transitions in writing .. they still remember all of those. And "Enemy Pie" was another good one. One of Dds favorite books is The Twits and she loves the scene where he describes Mr. Twits beard... so i am going to be adding that lesson in as well.http://writingfix.com/Chapter_Book_Prompts/Twits2.htm

They also have Teacher Instructions and Lesson Resources listed and the writing and rough draft pages to go along with it. They have loads of stuff. I don't typically follow the 6 trait writing to the T or anything like that, but did look into it initially as they were using that in ps. I have found a love for the progym. so I figure these creative writing exercises along with The Writer's Jungle will mesh well with all the retellings they have been doing this semester.

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I remembered late on Saturday night and bought 5 more back issues. In the morning, I was sad I had not chosen The Scarlet Pimpernel and was thinking that it is too bad I could not buy a few more.


I suppose I need to think about this again.


At least HSBC finally started taking paypal. :D

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I read The Scarlet Pimpernel:001_smile: this weekend to pre read, and follow it with my study guide.


I'm still reading through TWJ and HFHS, and giving the guides a trail run myself; I'd like to pre read all the lit books if possible over the summer. Next up is Murder on the Orient Express...I could easily buy more, especially if they are taking paypal now....D.




I remembered late on Saturday night and bought 5 more back issues. In the morning, I was sad I had not chosen The Scarlet Pimpernel and was thinking that it is too bad I could not buy a few more.


I suppose I need to think about this again.


At least HSBC finally started taking paypal. :D

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I let May sneak up on me and was not prepared for how upset I was this morning when I realized that it was May 1st and I had missed the deadline. I keep ruminating about which Arrow's or Boomerang's to get, and end up not getting anything! Looks like I have one more month to decide now! :001_smile:


I didn't need to know this.


No kidding, Shannon! I didn't love paying for the year-long subscription for The Boomerang, but what I learned was worth it and the deal at the Co-op makes the price more palatable. I also figured that I could pay what I did for the Boomerang because Julie also gives away a lot of great ideas on her blog and for the Brave Writer Lifestyle. She's no slouch in answering questions quickly too.


I didn't need to know this, either.



At least HSBC finally started taking paypal. :D


And I especially didn't need to know this.




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I had to load them and wait; then exit and sign-in again to get them.


I do hope it works for you too.


I am still trying to get the 500 points to load into my account from having done it several hours ago, but I really appreciate you telling me about the special!
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I tried that.. eventually I emailed them and within 30 minutes they loaded them in. Thank you! I got the updated version of Ency. Brown for free to review.. it didn't appear that I could get all three of them, but at least I can review the updated Arrow now. I really appreciate that!

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I'm glad it worked.


I tried that.. eventually I emailed them and within 30 minutes they loaded them in. Thank you! I got the updated version of Ency. Brown for free to review.. it didn't appear that I could get all three of them, but at least I can review the updated Arrow now. I really appreciate that!
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We must be twins...I got the same thing again. Now of course, I've never heard of Intellego or seen a thing from them...but it was free to try:001_smile:. I used up my other 100 free joining points for some math videos, and again never heard of them.


Free is always nice; and I have all summer to look them over.


I got the Intellego 6-8 Astronomy, as the 3 BW choices weren't any I was interested in.


She must be doing very well on this deal, as she keeps extending it!

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