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OT: car buying need thoughts on Honda Pilot 2008

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We are attemtping to buy a new to us used car.

We have it narrowed down to a 2008 Pilot. Lots of money so deep discussion and thought has gone into this.

We test drove one earlier in the week. Great,smooth ride. Handled very well but a bit higher in mileage than I was hoping for. I had previously looked at other dealers on the internet and found one with only 15,000 so we made a appointment and test drove that one this am. Well, it just felt "off". It seemed rougher in the ride. Pulled a bit but has not been driven much since Feb.


Hubby and I told the dealer that we are waiting because it just seemed wrong.


No other real feelings or reasons except gut. Car fax report was there and acceptable. Small read fender accident reported and steering gear was replaced already but no other issues from the report.


So, does anyone have any opinions one way or the other on this car. It had great low miles but "something" seemed wrong where the first Pilot I drove I had no complaints for except it had 43,000. We were originally hoping to like this one so much and actually get it today but we walked away.


Help me Hive!

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Every time I *don't* trust my gut, we pay for it later. Trust your gut.


I would consider 45,000 miles on a Honda to be low, on an American car high. I've had both.


I had a 2007 Pilot and when I traded it in last summer for a 2011 Pilot. Iit drove exactly as it had the day I bought it, BRAND NEW with like 14 miles or something like that. 15,000 miles and not driving right would make me very uncomfortable.

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Every time I *don't* trust my gut, we pay for it later. Trust your gut.


I would consider 45,000 miles on a Honda to be low, on an American car high. I've had both.


I had a 2007 Pilot and when I traded it in last summer for a 2011 Pilot. Iit drove exactly as it had the day I bought it, BRAND NEW with like 14 miles or something like that. 15,000 miles and not driving right would make me very uncomfortable.


I know it is lower miles and on the Honda it should be fine but I figured if I could get the 15,000 that would be great but it really just did not drive right.

I put on a lot of miles and we will need this vehicle to last a long time. We drive them until they do not go anymore. I easily can put on 60-150 miles per DAY 6 days a week not counting visiting family so the less miles would have been nice but even hubby had the my gut feels wrong here vibe.

Thanks all!

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I just got a 2008 Pilot (Sport V6). After driving a Volvo for 15 years, it took a little getting used to, but I'm really beginning to enjoy it. Mileage is not great, but not bad. I did have sticker shock the first time I filled the tank. :svengo:


I drive a Jeep Cherokee, gas prices do not make me jump as I see it already;)

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I know it is lower miles and on the Honda it should be fine but I figured if I could get the 15,000 that would be great but it really just did not drive right.

I put on a lot of miles and we will need this vehicle to last a long time. We drive them until they do not go anymore. I easily can put on 60-150 miles per DAY 6 days a week not counting visiting family so the less miles would have been nice but even hubby had the my gut feels wrong here vibe.

Thanks all!


HOLY COW you drive a lot!!! At least you'll have satellite radio! *LOVE* it!!!


If you and your dh BOTH feel it's not right, it isn't. Don't consider it! I would never buy a car that didn't drive right regardless of the mileage.


Have you tried any of the online used car sites? They will be WELL worth your time!

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I just heard about the satellite radio, that does sound neat but I am not sure about paying for it.

Yeah, I work 40 minutes away from home and then we are at the dojo 2 times a day 3 days a week and then 3 other days of the week we are there as well. So that is just our weekly driving not even counting things like field trips.

What sort of online car sites do you mean? I found the one we looked at this am by checking into Sam's Club auto sales but otherwise have just looked online at some of our local dealerships.

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I would be willing to drive at least 3 hours to find the right car. I would broaden your search to a city with better deals.


Well, that car was at a dealer almost 2 hours away and I just cannot go farther than that. We do not have the time/availability to travel that far, this time of the year for potentials.

The 2 hour drive is pretty much as far as i wanted to go for looking. But I till talk to hubby about looking farther. I just do not see it happening with our work schedules as they are.

And believe it or not the cheapest prices have been the dealership closest to my home. It was just the lowest mileage was at the 2 hour away dealership.

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I love my 2006 Pilot! It is awesome, though the newer ones were redesigned so it may not be comparing apples to apples. I wouldn't buy any car if I had a bad feeling about it. We have gotten burned badly before when we rushed into buying a car we weren't sure about. I would wait if you have the time. Another Pilot will come along.

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Is it a Honda dealership, and is the car Honda Certified? I'd pay more for a Honda Certified car (and actually did many years ago with my van), and while there may very well be nothing wrong with a non-certified Honda, I'd avoid it completely.


43,000 for a 2008 is pretty average mileage. I drive a lot and have 33,000 on a 2010 (bought in 2009).


Great car choice!

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Thanks all. Yes, they are all Honda Certified ones that we have been looking at.

I liked the 43,000 and realize that it is low miles but I put on a lot of miles and for the same prices if I can get a lower mileage car that would be better espceically because we have to finance the car.

I am looking at another one for less money this week and that one has 34,000 so we will see.

Thanks again everyone!

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I tend to think that if it looks like too good a deal it probably is.


I would want to know why an '08 had only 15,000 miles on it (seems very low for a family car that is three years old).


Also, why isn't the price significantly higher than the one with more mileage.


If it feels off when you drive it there is probably something wrong and even if there isn't you will probably always be waiting for something to go wrong.

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I tend to think that if it looks like too good a deal it probably is.


I would want to know why an '08 had only 15,000 miles on it (seems very low for a family car that is three years old).


Also, why isn't the price significantly higher than the one with more mileage.


If it feels off when you drive it there is probably something wrong and even if there isn't you will probably always be waiting for something to go wrong.


It was a lease car and when it came up for renewal they chose not to and turned it in.

The cost factor was a thought/concern as to the insignificant differences in price.


We are looking at another tomorrow morning that is a lot lower in price with only 30,000 miles so we will see.

Thanks again everyone.

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