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nutritional info that makes sense...where to find it.

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I am trying to come up with accurate nutritional information written to perhaps a 7-8 grade level. I disagree with the classic "food pyramid" school of thought. I believe we rely entirely too much on starches in our typical American diet.


this is what I believe, however finding a book that backs me up that might be written so that my 13-14 yo dd could "get it" is difficult.


Anyone have any suggestions?


(it is necessary to have a book where an "expert" says it. Since I am a lowly mother, I know nothing.)

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I like Food Rules by Michael Pollan for a foundational, crystal clear, common sense approach to diet.


I think you might find that most of the world lives on mainly starches and does quite well. The problem is more the type of starches the west eats (white flour, white sugar), and what else they eat (trans fats, too much food), and what they don't eat (a variety of vegetables)- as in, the bigger picture. Its a complex issue and I think Food Rules simplifies it down to the basics. Eat real food.

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I think you might find that most of the world lives on mainly starches and does quite well. The problem is more the type of starches the west eats (white flour, white sugar), and what else they eat (trans fats, too much food), and what they don't eat (a variety of vegetables)- as in, the bigger picture. Its a complex issue and I think Food Rules simplifies it down to the basics. Eat real food.



yes... this is what I meant... would this book make nutritional info accessible to my teen?


(I do believe she could handle an adult book if I could survive the moaning. I want something to make it simple.)

Edited by fairfarmhand
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Refined to Real might be a good option, only because it really breaks things down -- X is a highly processed food, Y is the better choice of that food, Z is that food in its real form. It's been a while since I read it, so I don't remember if it talks about serving sizes and servings much, but I agree with the premise: eat real food -- and I think that is the kind of thing that will help kids in the future when planning their own meals, more than merely counting servings.

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yes... this is what I meant... would this book make nutritional info accessible to my teen?


(I do believe she could handle an adult book if I could survive the moaning. I want something to make it simple.)


Yes- it would pretty much make nutritional sense to anyone and it is designed to be simple. It can also be read in an hour.

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I am trying to come up with accurate nutritional information written to perhaps a 7-8 grade level. I disagree with the classic "food pyramid" school of thought. I believe we rely entirely too much on starches in our typical American diet.


this is what I believe, however finding a book that backs me up that might be written so that my 13-14 yo dd could "get it" is difficult.


Anyone have any suggestions?


(it is necessary to have a book where an "expert" says it. Since I am a lowly mother, I know nothing.)


I received this book Healthy 4 Life at the Weston A Price Conference (lots of organic farmers were there!) this is the PDF version so you can see the content. You can order the book if you prefer http://www.westonaprice.org/component/content/38/2117-healthy-4-life


This video is certainly an eye opener:

The Oiling of America - Sally Fallon



If you want to take notes on the actual Powerpoint here it is. There are notes on the Powerpoint already so change your view within Powerpoint to see them before you type a lot!

Powerpoint - OilofAmerica.ppt



Here is a version that she might relate to:

Underground Wellness raps on the Oiling of America. Heart Disease!


He has many videos of this same style if this style appeals to her.

Fat Loss 101: How Carbs Make You Fat!


Hatin on grains


5 Fake Foods


Sugar: The Bitter Truth (The SHORT Version)


Are You a Sugar Addict?



Here is blog on The Curse of Carbs



Here is a video of Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride giving a talk about GAPS (why a sugar free, grain free diet to heal):

http://vimeo.com/10507542 .



Edited by girligirlmom
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An excellent up-to-date nutrition book full of practical advice is:




You can check out her style (friendly), credentials (excellent), and advice (sound) at her two websites:


http://nutritionovereasy.com/ and http://nutritiondiva.quickanddirtytips.com/


One feature that I really appreciate is that she will link studies and other articles at the end of her posts, so that you can follow up with more details or primary source research if you wish. I consider myself fairly up to date on nutritional issues and have learned much from following her blog these past few months (plus digging around in her archives--a wealth of info there).


Also, if you do post a comment/ask a question on her blog, she is likely to answer you personally or in a future posting.



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I like Food Rules by Michael Pollan for a foundational, crystal clear, common sense approach to diet.


Love this book. Fabulous, fabulous book. :D


I'm probably going to order this one for my dc. Not sure yet. Might be too text-bookish and turn them off. I'll see.

Seems like there's a Kids' Version and a Young Adult Version.




Yet, if I had to choose just one book - it would definitely be Food Rules.

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Love this book. Fabulous, fabulous book. :D


I'm probably going to order this one for my dc. Not sure yet. Might be too text-bookish and turn them off. I'll see.

Seems like there's a Kids' Version and a Young Adult Version.




Yet, if I had to choose just one book - it would definitely be Food Rules.


Dh got this on CD and really enjoyed it. You might try that for your kids. I used to crochet or hand mend when I listened to books on CD with Ds. Is there something your kids could do with their hands while listening?

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