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Have any of you heard of or used the workbox method? They seem to make a lot of sense . . . at least for the earliest grades. It appears very organized and looks like it might help kids develop independence and keep on task early on.


I have three boys very close in age and all young. The oldest is K age and the second oldest is pre-K age. I'm hoping eventually to combine them, but right now they are just worlds apart developmentally. My boys can't seem to do things on their own when the other child is getting help (very obviously a sibling rivalry issue) and they get so distracted when I start one of them doing one thing and the other doing something else. They just can't seem to keep away from each other's projects. So while the older one is adding picture quantities and writing the answers, the other is matching numerals to dot cards. Of course the older one just can't help but think that dot cards look like so much more fun than addition. So he loses focus in a snap and whines and wanders about instead of enjoying the problems that he would otherwise find an interesting challenge. :glare: Mean time the younger one decides he really wanted to use a pencil like his big brother and isn't interested in the dot cards anyway. :willy_nilly:


I can't turn my back for a moment to get their next tasks prepared before some mole hill or other turns into Mount Everest. That's without throwing into the mix that I have a toddler to run after on top of it all. :tongue_smilie: The older one has to be in school now, but the younger one doesn't want to be left out. I'm at my witt's end as to how to juggle their enthusiasm, varying levels of development, and distractedness. I would like to hear about how or if workboxes helped/hindered you experienced homeschoolers if you tried it.


I would need two shelving units of boxes to start with and eventually 3. Plus I'd need a whole lot of time to keep refilling them. That is not only a time and space investment that I'm not sure I have, but it's a little more of a cost issue too with all the shelving and boxes.


So please, share your experiences with me. Am I just looking for a miracle when the problem can really only be solved by a frantic Mama for a few years? :confused: *sigh* I know . . . :chillpill: right?

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If you search the forum you can find some workboxes information. I also have three young boys (and an infant). I recently went to Joann's and bought three of their drawer storage units and implemented the workboxes system for my 8, 5, and 3 yo. It is so helpful. I try to arrange the activities so I can have alone time with each boy. The other drawers are filled with independent activities or something to do with a brother. It really helps keep me on task as well. I spend about 15-30 minutes filling them at night but I am much more organized each day.


ETA: I have no idea why that angry face is showing on my post. I'm not angry! :)

Edited by mamachanse
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Please do search the forums....the workbox system was hot, hot, HOT talk around here about 2 years ago....it was the "thing" to do. You will find endless threads about it.


I use them here, have been for 2 years, love it, and don't ever see NOT doing them.

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I use some sort of a workbox system, and I really like it. Ours are color-coded -- pink for DD, brown for DS1, green for DS2, and blue for things we do together as a family. (DS2 only has one box, and only because he insisted that he have schoolwork too.) It is helpful to have it all laid out the night before; our day runs much more smoothly, and we get more accomplished if I have it all ready to go.

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this year. I tweaked it. I used the stackable drawers that others have talked about. I labeled each one by subject and attached Velcro dots to the outside. We started the day out with all the dots off. When a subject was completed a dot was placed on the drawer next to the subject label. I let my kids decide which subject to do when. It makes it easy to see which subjects still need to be completed. I included piano, AWANA and Bible reading.


You can make it fit your schedule and preferences very easily. We all liked it this year.

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we used it for a couple of years. it was a very modified version from sue patrick's book. i had the boxes numbered 1-12, & as my daughter completed a box she would remove the velcro number and place a smiley face there. when there were 12 smiley faces, she was done. i liked it because we were able to include a lot of the "fun" things that always seemed to be pushed aside. it helped me manage our day better and balance it with fun things. we don't incorporate it like we used too, now they're just storage bins.

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We still use our workboxes, but like most others, we came up with our own method. The older 3 use theirs mainly for storage. One holds math, one English, etc. They have one set that hold combined subjects. One box holds a shared science book, one holds mfw geography, and one is the "waiting station." The middle 5 have a mix between school work and activities. The baby, well, she just hangs out with me. :)


I ditched the numbers and velcro a long time ago. I only restock geography and science about once a week. It only takes about 5-10 minutes. The rest of the subjects are pretty much justdo the next thing, so they just live there. It does keep our day flowing and organized. Iykwim.

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