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I bought everything!!!!!!!


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I had already purchased math and reading, but today I bought everything else I need for HSing DS5 starting in mid-June (except for my German program which I am going to hold off on until we get a groove going)! It is such a relief to finally have final decisions made in all subjects. Now the true test is to stay away from these boards because then I will second guess every decision when I learn about another awesome program! :lol::lol::lol:


It feels so great to be ready to go. I will be getting everything in the next couple of weeks so I have plenty of time to go over everything and organize it before we start school! Thanks to everyone for all of the advice for this newbie! I never could have figured out what to use without you!

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:hurray::hurray: Good for you! Isn't it a great feeling?!


And you are right...stay away from the boards now, at least the curriculum board. Because you will be tempted to get other things which you do NOT need. :lol::lol: Ask me how I know. :glare:


Enjoy your boxes of fun when they arrive. I LOVE getting those packages. :001_smile:

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Yay! Stay strong in your choices for the year - you can come back and get all excited about new stuff next year! :p




Stick it out the full year unless something is a complete failure. Then revisit for next year. I don't have everything yet, but dh and I have made final decisions, YAY! Just finished mapping out our budget for the remaining stuff we need.

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I am so doing a happy dance for you! At the same time I am extremely green with envy! I know most of what we will be doing, but need to order and make final choices! Good luck and have fun!! It is amazing when a year or two down the road, you realize... I taught them that!! :thumbup:

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Guest momk2000
I had already purchased math and reading, but today I bought everything else I need for HSing DS5 starting in mid-June (except for my German program which I am going to hold off on until we get a groove going)! It is such a relief to finally have final decisions made in all subjects. Now the true test is to stay away from these boards because then I will second guess every decision when I learn about another awesome program! :lol::lol::lol:


It feels so great to be ready to go. I will be getting everything in the next couple of weeks so I have plenty of time to go over everything and organize it before we start school! Thanks to everyone for all of the advice for this newbie! I never could have figured out what to use without you!



Great Job! I'm so jealous, I want sooo badly to just splurge and order everything now! I have started piecing things together, and should have it all by mid-summer. I know that grass is always greener feeling and the temptation to switch programs. If you like what you are doing and it's working, don't give in. I did some of that the 1st few years, and it's not worth all the expense (I too have to stay away from the boards - lol). Happy planning, I sooo can't wait to get to that stage. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there! I am planning first grade and I've followed some of your interest in Kolbe. Have you decided to not use Kolbe next year? I'm still wavering and can't decide. I checked out Seton, CHC and Angelicum as well and CHC looks good but a little light (may use for religion) and I'm sort of afraid to say it but Seton almost looks too Catholic as every single book/resource is published by them and somehow that gives me pause.


Anyway, I would love to share thoughts on Kolbe. We are also using McRuffy Color Math and Miquon!

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