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Lively Art of Writing

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I'd just like to thank those of you who have, over the years, mentioned this little book. I bought it well over a year ago but am just now sitting down to go through it. What a gem! If any of you remember my Lost Tools of Writing thread a couple of weeks ago (the one where I felt like I was being stalked by the LToW militia), I am trying to coordinate the two of them, matching segments of LToW ($100) with the corresponding sections of Lively Art ($6).


No doubt the LToW Army will cringe when they read this, but the two programs are not really that far apart in what they teach. Lively Art is clearer and more user-friendly; LToW is, well, thicker. ;) No no, just kidding; LToW has some excellent pieces. I do not care for the convoluted way that it is presented, and so far, I prefer Lively Art's method of dealing with objections to the thesis, but I am going to use some components of LToW to flesh out Lively Art.


Anyway, thanks again to all of you who have mentioned it. In case you ever wonder whether anyone takes action based on what you post here, yes!



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FWIW, we go through and make a sort of checklist for each chapter. For example, ch. 3 gives format for full & final thesis, ch. 4 teaches structure, ch. 5 has two style mistakes to avoid, etc... We keep this list handy so (1) my son can remember what he needs to include in every essay and (2) I can remember what I'm supposed to be looking for in his writing.

Good luck.

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FWIW, we go through and make a sort of checklist for each chapter. For example, ch. 3 gives format for full & final thesis, ch. 4 teaches structure, ch. 5 has two style mistakes to avoid, etc... We keep this list handy so (1) my son can remember what he needs to include in every essay and (2) I can remember what I'm supposed to be looking for in his writing.

Good luck.

This sounds great! Is there any chance you could share your checklist here?




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