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Kindergarten boy suspended for crying.

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This sounds ridiculous on the face of it, but I suspect it was more than simply crying. I'm picturing a long drawn out temper tantrum with tears. I've known kids who could throw a doozy of a tantrum, lasting an hour or more! When I was in elementary school, they had a padded room where they would take kids who had violent fits until they calmed down. I bet you're not allowed to do this anymore, as it often required the principal to carry the child there and/or hold the door shut.




In the stone age when I taught Kindergarten, you could carry out a student if they were out of control to the counselor's office or principal's office back in the late 80's to early 90's. Nowadays? It is a lawsuit. Teachers are told to not hug students, for example.


I suspect the student in question did the meltdowns more than once. And after disrupting the class for that many times, they most likely had no choice but do a suspension. I also suspect the lawsuit will be settled out of court. Most school districts do this all of the time. The student, I fear, may be a handful in the classroom... I feel sorry for the parent. The one child I taught had ODD and years later, she ended up in the juvenile court system and placement for troubled youth in a county (last chance) continuation campus for her to graduate. She dropped out and ended up in jail. Quite sad.

Edited by tex-mex
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Not to side with the school but I wonder how they tried to address the issue before resorting to suspension.


It may be that they spoke with the parents regularly about the issue and couldn't get any cooperation from them. If he was truly causing a disturbance that kept other kids from learning something needed to be done and if the parents weren't willing to handle it the school may have used suspension as a last resort to force them to.

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