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Which standardized test for a 3rd grader would be most similar.....

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The Stanford Achievement Test is different from the SAT, but any standardized test (including the Stanford) will give some of the same standardized test experiences that you'd get on the SAT. The PSAT is the junior version of the SAT, but it is intended for high school juniors.


The Explore test is a version of the ACT that is designed for 8th grade, but is used as a test for gifted elementary children. You could try that, I suppose...

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Thanks ladies....to clarify what i'm looking.....a test that is appropriate for a 3rd grader but that I could choose yearly from here on out for his yearly eval (required by the state) that would also start giving him the best prep for taking SAT's later on. Stanford, Iowa, something else????

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I think the ITBS is good for that purpose. It's timed and has a separate test booklet and bubble-style answer sheet.


I truly, truly don't think it matters all that much. Stanford or CAT would be fine as well. If you want it to be more like his future testing experiences, look around for a local group testing option. Larger home school groups often offer that (especially if testing is mandatory in your state), private schools will sometimes let a home schooled child test with them for a fee, etc.


As someone else said, if he scores well, you could choose to do the EXPLORE through one of the local talent searches as well (Duke TIP, Johns Hopkins CTY, etc).

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