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How do you derail the "grumpy train" at your house?

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We've had a week. This morning the kids are dragging, and bickering, and whiney, and...and...and...you get the picture.


We can't NOT do school, because the weeks events have already disrupted and cut into our school time. I was looking forward to having a whole day at home without needing to go anywhere, but now I'm beginning to dread being with my ornery children. :glare:


Any ideas?



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I send them back to bed.


Around here grouchiness is nearly always due to lack of sleep, and a nap does wonders for whiney children (and teens!).


good idea under most circumstances. Unfortunately all five of my older children are currently sharing a room (and beds). I don't think this would solve their lack of kindness towards each other at the moment. ;)


They will all have naps or quiet time this afternoon.



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We've ALL been grumpy here this week...started out with water in the basement and it's gone downhill from there. And dh is out of town all week for work, so that certainly doesn't help either. Naps are an okay option in our house, but that means they won't go to sleep at night, so it's not an option that I use very often. I'd rather put them to bed early. Today I'm trying "good job jelly beans" for reward when I see happy hearts (including good attitudes about schoolwork) and willing helpers. Yesterday we hit the zoo and called it school. Nothing beats the grumps around here like getting out of the house. Sometimes I'll try a more general reward like, "If we can ______, then we get to ______." (My kids are still small--5,3,1--so that can be anything from eating their snack outside to helping Mommy make supper.) If all else, fails, just remember--it's already Thurdsday afternoon. The weekend's on its way!



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Sometimes a good tickle-fest will reset the mood. Just look at one of them with a very serious look and say, "Am I gonna have to..." They think you're going to say spank them or send them to their room, and instead you say "...tickle you?"

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The grumpies hit our house as well. Lately it's been both of us, so we get silly. We started with a nature walk yesterday, that helped. Just being outside makes school seem less confining. We sing silly songs. I have been known to break into song during math, it was either that or run away screaming and pulling my hair out.


How about an educational movie?

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The grumpies hit our house as well. Lately it's been both of us, so we get silly. We started with a nature walk yesterday, that helped. Just being outside makes school seem less confining. We sing silly songs. I have been known to break into song during math, it was either that or run away screaming and pulling my hair out.


How about an educational movie?

I'm with you, elegantlion! When the kids are grouchy, it's usually because "mama ain't happy"...and we all know that "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" So, I try to take the initiative to reverse the trend...play silly pranks on a kid or two, hide a quarter and a sweet thank you note in a child's chore area, pay LOTS of compliments, refuse to say anything negative, ignore snarky comments and cover everyone with LUUUV! Sometimes it's really hard to do these things, because what I really feel like doing is ditching everything and everyone, hopping in the car and LEAVING until everyone is behaving themselves (sounds terrible, doesn't it?). But I usually find that the second random act of kindness isn't nearly as hard as the first one...and before I know it, peace, love and joy are flowing freely (groovy!). Something else that the little ones really like is for me to dress up like "Miss Methuselah," a terrifying old prim and proper lady who is shocked at wicked behavior. (Just the outfit gets them chuckling!)


HAVE FUN derailing the grumpy train! :tongue_smilie:

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We've had a week. This morning the kids are dragging, and bickering, and whiney, and...and...and...you get the picture.


We can't NOT do school, because the weeks events have already disrupted and cut into our school time. I was looking forward to having a whole day at home without needing to go anywhere, but now I'm beginning to dread being with my ornery children. :glare:


Any ideas?





Squirtguns! ;) Or at the very least, one for Mom. Math whining? SQUIRT! Can't quit bugging your brother? SQUIRT, SQUIRT! Heh.


Music? Sometimes that backfires with the littler ones around here, though. Maybe an "if school's done by X time with no bloodshed, popcorn and a late afternoon movie" announcement? Or a drive-thru trip for milkshakes. This once or twice a year occurance makes my kids insanely happy. Just assign someone to keep the lid on the littlest's cup...




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