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Dr. Hive?

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I no longer have a GP, so I'll ask here. A week ago I had a rash under my chin . It felt a little like poison ivy, though it is very early for that here, and I haven't been in a a likely spot for exposure. It also wasn't weepy and didn't spread to larger than a silver dollar size. Hydrocordisone did the trick. I was worried it was shingles, but I don't really think it was.


Today, I have another, different rash running from my hairline along my temple to just above me cheek. It's a little different (less itchy) than the first, and made up of lots of little bumps. It came on very suddenly.


I'm not worried about the rash itself, but I am worried that it means something else.


Any advice?



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I'm back to add that I now have two other rashy spots--a small area on my abdomen and one on my forearm. I am starting to worry it is shingles--my mother had shingles so maybe that is why this is my first thought. I've been under a little stress (DH is working in a dangerous situation with no plans to return home soon, I'm on my own with the 5) but I've been able to handle similar in past.


Anyone have any ideas?


Maybe it's just spring?

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No pain at all. I know shingles is horribly painful but I'm not sure how soon that starts after (or before) the rash's onset. I wish I had a good internist I could see in the morning. As I've said, I don't really mind about the rash itself, but I worry it is a sign of something worse...

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I'm back to add that I now have two other rashy spots--a small area on my abdomen and one on my forearm. I am starting to worry it is shingles--my mother had shingles so maybe that is why this is my first thought. I've been under a little stress (DH is working in a dangerous situation with no plans to return home soon, I'm on my own with the 5) but I've been able to handle similar in past.


Anyone have any ideas?


Maybe it's just spring?

Where exactly on your belly? Nickel allergies cause itchy bumpy rashes, and I can think of things with nickel that could come into contact with all those places-except under your chin.


The metal on my sunglasses often causes me to react on my temples and nose. When I used to wear a watch, my wrist would break out. The button on certain jeans causes me to react right around my belly button.


I also have reactions to jewelry (neck, chest, ears) and sometimes straps on shoes.


Can you think of metals that have been in contact with those places?

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No pain at all. I know shingles is horribly painful but I'm not sure how soon that starts after (or before) the rash's onset. I wish I had a good internist I could see in the morning. As I've said, I don't really mind about the rash itself, but I worry it is a sign of something worse...

Shingles is very unlikely to show up in multiple places like that, and it would be painful. I don't think you need to worry about shingles too much. :)

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Where exactly on your belly? Nickel allergies cause itchy bumpy rashes, and I can think of things with nickel that could come into contact with all those places-except under your chin.


The metal on my sunglasses often causes me to react on my temples and nose. When I used to wear a watch, my wrist would break out. The button on certain jeans causes me to react right around my belly button.


I also have reactions to jewelry (neck, chest, ears) and sometimes straps on shoes.


Can you think of metals that have been in contact with those places?

Also, my nickel allergies are much worse when I'm stressed.

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Thanks for the reassurance, Perry. I think I'll relax now. I don't think it's nickel--I can' think of anything that I would have had in contact with my face or stomach. It might be the cheap laundry detergent I bought at the convenience store. (that doesn't really explain the temple, but I'm going with it..)

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News flash: one of my sons has the same rash on his leg and neck. So I don't have shingles!! Now what the heck is this? I'll use something topical tonight, LM. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Now that a child has this, I can bring him to our brilliant pediatrician and get a DX. I'll wait a bit to see if it resolves itself, first, though. In the meantime, it's time to get myself an GP or internist. Stat.

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News flash: one of my sons has the same rash on his leg and neck. So I don't have shingles!! Now what the heck is this? I'll use something topical tonight, LM. We'll see what tomorrow brings. Now that a child has this, I can bring him to our brilliant pediatrician and get a DX. I'll wait a bit to see if it resolves itself, first, though. In the meantime, it's time to get myself an GP or internist. Stat.


If you recently changed detergents, I would suspect that. The rash on your face can be from a towel or pillow case.


I would get a detergent you have used in the past, and rewash Everything in that. See if the mystery rashes go away.

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