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SOS or LifePacs thru 12th?


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Okay.....just want to know if anyone has used SOS or LifePacs for consecutive years in one or more subjects. I do like that this curriculum allows me to have a less hands on approach (I have six kids) but I am concerned that it is too easy.


Just want some feedback from others to see if they believe their children are up to par using this curriculum.


Any feedback would be helpful!



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grades with my oldest two. I liked them b/c of your reason: less hands on and they are child friendly. I am considering LP again for my now 6th grader beginning next year b/c I work now (he goes to work w/me) and I need more organization. They are very well laid out and easy to follow esp. if your dc are self governing.


I'd like to hear too from someone else who has used them for consecutive years.



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We used LifePacs to get through a deployment/pregnancy/errant teenager stage/father-in-law moving in temporarily while we were stationed overseas. Some of it was definitely "dry" but adequate. I used it for nearly a year (dh was deployed for 15 months) and have no real complaints about the quality of the material. Oh, ds was in 8th-9th when we used it.

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We tried Language Arts LIFEPACS for 1st and 2nd (it was ok but just not challenging or engaging). For some reason I went back to them for 6th grade and my girls said, "Mom, I feel like we learned nothing this year." If my girls noticed how non challenging it was then it was time to ditch it. I wouldn't use it again.

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I am curious, too. I think burnout has me considering this because it would be less demanding of my time. I have their catalog in--hand now, and and looking at Monarch and SOS, maybe for history or science for one of my children. She and I butt heads, and I am looking at options to help her do things a bit more on her own.

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I believe that Michelle Duggar uses SOS for her children. I can try to see if I can find a link.


Might have been in a chat though......


I have looked at it over the years because I think my son would LOVE it! lol


It is also 20% off for the month of April.

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